Original Post — Direct link

Hi I'm not sure where to post this? I have tried support and looked on forums.

Also are you the support team in contact with Ubisoft. Are you able to let them know how much I love assassins creed, own most games syndicate gold edition, Ezio collection, Assassins Creed 3 and remaster (came with Odyssey Gold) Origins and all dlc, odyssey all dlc and xp boosters and spent some money on helix credits for some packs, Valhalla ultimate with all dlc and Xp boosters and spent a fair bit on helix credits too (200 to 300 dollars I think) for packs and weapons etc. 

 I’m just a massive fan and enjoy there single player experiences and put hundreds of hours in to them too.

My accounts are Senator2655 PlayStation 4 pro and Xbox series X Senator 265 thank you if you need to check my accounts. Please pass onto Ubisoft.

And also have the crew one and two as well, and also own The Division 1. Also a massive Far Cry fan and own all of them and I buy ultimate editions and already Pre Ordered Far Cry 6 Ultimate for Series X. 

Really love these worlds and games and just wanted both Development teams to see this THANK YOU ❤

Thank you

over 3 years ago - ubi-smash - Direct link

Hey there, @senator2655 and welcome to the forums! Thank you so much for the kind words. I will make sure to pass this feedback to our teams on both the support and development teams. 😊

over 3 years ago - ubi-smash - Direct link

Hey there, @senator2655 and welcome to the forums! Thank you so much for the kind words. I will make sure to pass this feedback to our teams on both the support and development teams. 😊