over 5 years ago - Ubi-Thorlof - Direct link
You need the right approach to optimize your economy, found something that might be a bug or require guidance how item sets help optimize your playstyle? You can rely on the collective knowledge of the Anno community and post your question right away to receive help and advice. And as we are a community where players are helping players, dont forget to let everyone know that a response was helpful by thanking the other community members for their support.

This sharing of knowledge is the key for a healthy community but we do not take your contribution as granted. The Ubisoft Companions program therefore is a true community effort and as such, you, our helpful players, are the beating heart of the program. Players who provide advice and help out other members of our community can become a Ubisoft Companion, a group of game experts who excel at helping others and share their knowledge about Anno 1800 with players around the globe.

The Ubisoft Companions are all about encouraging and empowering our most helpful community members. You will be able to connect with other Companions, provide feedback to the community team and as knowledge is your strongest power to help others, you will get access to channels where you can get in touch with the developers of your favorite game.

Since we see Ubisoft Companions as true paragons of Ubisofts gaming communities, we expect every Companion to be an inspiring example for all players. Ubisoft Companions are expected to follow our Community Guidelines and to encourage constructive behavior and a helpful atmosphere in our forum.

The Companion title is a reward for outstanding community work. The Ubisoft Companions are not part of the official Ubisoft staff or the voluntary moderation team and their opinions and comments do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Ubisoft.