Original Post — Direct link
Hi everybody,

Don't come on these forums all that much but I have to say that I am really enjoying Anno 1800. Used to play all the Settlers games, this is my first Anno and it's a blast. I already have two main islands with monuments and a ton of investors, pretty much dominating the entire map and now just focusing on streamlining everything.

The thing is tho' that my main story quest has been stuck for nearly a month now. On the Pay No Ransom quest I picked up the three groups of hostages (?) when one of my ships got destroyed. After that I had my armada swing by and pick up one group that got left behind.

However, the hostages that were in the destroyed ship now stack upon another hostage group. For the quest to be deliverd, I have to have 3 separate items in any given ship and turn it into the lighthouse. But as stated before; one group of hostages stacks with another creating one group of 2 and 1 single group. Thus not letting me turn in the quest.

Obviously, I don't want to start over, especially given that this should be an easy fix and there are a couple of people who have had this bug.

So when can I expect this to be fixed?

Thanks in advance,
Piranha aka Edvard Goode Destroyer.
almost 6 years ago - UbiSc0ttie - Direct link
What's going on @PiRaNhA_BE! and welcome to the forums

I'm so glad to hear you're enjoying playing ANNO! As for you issues with Pay No Random, the issue should be fixed in the upcoming Anarchist patch.

Keep us updated.

- Scottie