

30 Jan


Hey Anno Community,

While we’re in denial that January is already coming to an end – we’re still finishing up all the chocolate stockpiled during the holidays – we thought to have a small recap of the latest news in this Union Update.

Island design contest

Our third and last contest is up and running, Annoholics! Have you always dreamed to have your very own island design for an Anno game? Well, this is the perfect opportunity for you. In this contest, we challenge you to design an island for the Latium region, in Anno 117: Pax Romana. If you would like to submit your entry for a chance to see your island in the game, check the full rules ...

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17 Dec


Hey Anno Community,

What a year it has been!

Unbeknownst to you, we were all nervously preparing for the announcement of our new project – Anno 117: Pax Romana! Are we good at keeping secrets? YES. Prior to the reveal, whenever we noticed comments in chat during livestreams or full discussions on Discord or Reddit about a “Roman Anno”, we would secretly cheer inside. So, how often do WE think about the Roman Empire? Every. Single. Day.

It was a proud moment for us to see Anno 117: Pax Romana on the big Ubisoft Forward screen back in June, but seeing your reaction felt even more special.

Immortalising your omnipresent hope for a Roman Anno throughout the years, was also a big highlight for us – together with the help of the beloved Town Crier!

Not too long after the reveal, we jumped into the Community Conte...

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29 Nov


Hello Anno Community,

As you might have seen in our latest teasers on social media or yesterday’s  livestream, we will soon release a brand new Cosmetic DLC, the “End of an Era” Pack!

To be totally honest with you all, when first approaching this DevBlog, we struggled to find the right words to talk about it and give this Pack full justice – both because of its grandiosity and the fact that it marks, for real, the end of an era. If you don’t know this already, this CDLC will be the last piece of content developed for Anno 1800, after an amazing journey that lasted 5 years, with 16 beautiful Cosmetic DLC – not to mention the post-launch game content released over the years.

… *Nervously clears throat* … But let’s not get emotional now, we haven’t even started talking about the Pack! So, without further ado, let’s join the festival.

... Read more

24 May


Hey Anno Community,

Let’s have one more round of updates before the weekend!

Starting with a reminder about the livestream we did on Wednesday: Community Developer Oliver was joined by Brand Director Haye, Creative Director Manuel and Executive Producer Stephane for one hour of Anno Dev Talk:

We talked about the scope of their jobs and how they all entered the video games industry, as well as their motivation to get out of the bed every morning to work on video games.

Together with the chat, we discussed what makes an Anno game actually “Anno” – and all four revealed which games they are playing right now.

If you’ve missed the stream, you can watch the VOD here on Twitch.

... Read more

20 Jan

    UbiCecce on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello everyone,

As mentioned in the previous message, this issue has now been fixed with yesterday's patch, Game Update 16.1. You can read the full Release Notes on the Anno Union: (https://anno-union.com/updates/anno-1800-game-update-16-1/). If the issue still persist, please create a new thread in the Support section of this forum or contact Support directly.

Thank you again for your patience and happy city-building!

16 Dec

    UbiCecce on Forums - Thread - Direct

We have just deployed a fix that should resolve the launch issue with Anno 1800 for most players.
Please verify the game files after the patch.

If you still encounter issues, please let us know and specify the platform you're playing on.

15 Dec

    UbiCecce on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello everyone,

We have found a possible fix for the launch issue and are currently validating it. We'll have news on the exact patch date and time tomorrow.

-The Anno Team

14 Dec

    UbiCecce on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello everyone,

We are currently still exploring a potential fix for the issue, and are aiming to communicate more information soon.

Thank you for your patience.

-The Anno Team

13 Dec

    UbiCecce on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello everyone,

We are making progress at working on and testing a potential fix for the issue. However, at the moment we cannot give you a timeline yet. As soon as we have more news, we will update this thread.

We appreciate your patience and apologies for the inconvenience.

-The Anno Team

20 Sep

    UbiCecce on Forums - Thread - Direct

The full Release Notes for Game Update 15 are available on the Anno Union: (https://anno-union.com/updates/anno-1800-game-update-15/).

12 Apr

15 Feb

02 Feb

    UbiCecce on Forums - Thread - Direct

The maintenance has been completed.

Happy city building!

17 Jan

    UbiCecce on Forums - Thread - Direct

Game Update 13.1 will be released tomorrow 18th January, at 2PM CET / 8AM ET.

You can find the full release notes here.

    UbiCecce on Forums - Thread - Direct

Game Update 13.1 will be released tomorrow 18th January, at 2PM CET / 8AM ET.

You can find the full release notes here: (https://anno-union.com/updates/anno-1800-game-update-13-1/).

    UbiCecce on Forums - Thread - Direct

You can read the full Release Notes for Game Update 13 here: (https://anno-union.com/updates/anno-1800-game-update-13/).

    UbiCecce on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello Anno Community,

The Release Notes for Game Update 13.1 are now available. You can read the full notes here.

Note: following GU13 we have seen some confusion about missing street connections on some of your islands. With GU13 we fixed an exploit through which the Oil Harbor could fulfill the same function as your main Trading Post.
This was never intended behaviour. Please be aware that all warehouses and residences need to be connected via road to your main Trading Post at all times in order to function.

11 Jan

    UbiCecce on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Anno Community,

Game Update 13.1 will be released next Tuesday, January 18th. GU 13.1 will address several of the issues you have been reporting GU 13. The full release notes will be shared here on the Anno Union closer to its release since we’re currently still running final tests. 

A huge thank you again for helping us with reports, screenshots and descriptions of the issues occurring since GU 13. 

15 Dec

    UbiCecce on Forums - Thread - Direct

The issue is now fixed. Thank you for your patience and happy city-building!

28 Sep

    UbiCecce on Forums - Thread - Direct

Game Update 12.1 is now live!