Original Post — Direct link
about 2 years ago - /u/Ubi-Thorlof - Direct link

Originally posted by Rooonaldooo99

Known issue: We don't have any news for Season Pass 4 yet.

Fix: ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ GIVE INFO ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ

Marking this issue as "Working as intended"

about 2 years ago - /u/Ubi-Thorlof - Direct link

Originally posted by Faredundo


First of all, thanks to the whole team of developers for this great game.

Here are my suggestions to improve it. The order in which I have written them has been as they have come to my mind, regardless of the fact that I think that some are much more important than others:

  1. Would it be possible to include an option to disable voices when clicking on a ship? It would be interesting to be able to handle this, perhaps with so much continuous clicking on ships it can be somewhat uncomfortable with so many voices continuously.
  2. Another interesting thing would be to be able to somehow manage the musical tracks that the game has, or even deactivate some of them to suit the user. Give each track a name, classified according to the Season/DLC to which they belong, along with the ability to listen to it so you can choose whether or not to activate it. Also that you can change the time interval between the end of a track and the beginning of the next... an interval of silence is not bad! I know that the sound level can be lowered, but it would be very nice to be able to manage the time interval between one music track and the next, as an additional option.
  3. Commuter pier for New World, the Arctic and Enbesa. This could be activated or not when configuring the game, depending on the difficulty chosen by the player.
  4. Merchant ships, even if more trading docks have been created further away from the main trading post on the island, always choose the main trading post option first, even if there are other goods exchange docks further from the coast. This results in a greater time interval for trips. Perhaps this could be improved, depending on the available docks and taking into account the waiting times of merchant ships.
  5. There is in the game the hint on the loading screen of a saved game: "create parallel rail lines from the main oil port if not enough oil is getting to your power plants..." or something similar. The problem of oil distribution via rail in Crown Falls is very important. Why not implement the possibility of creating more oil ports on an island, or that two or even more rail lines can leave from each port, so as not to interrupt your input in one? I say this from the absolute ignorance, sorry if the question could be absurd. Humbly.
  6. The graphic detail of the citizens, at least in the first person view, I consider it somewhat poor. Perhaps it would be possible to improve it without hurting performance too much? After all, except when there are crowds at celebrations, I think they are not too many. This does not happen to a great extent with the detail of the buildings, nor with the landscape.
  7. The administration of space in the islands of the New World is a real nightmare with so much space occupied by rivers and in such a sinuous way. What happens to players who haven't purchased the Docklands DLC? Or if you have it but you don't want to activate it when setting up the game? It's an option, I know, but the problem of space in the New World, coupled with so many needs of both the Tourist Season and High Life, make a solution pressing. The needs of New World products, especially coffee (each investor must surely consume 20 or 30 gallons of coffee per day 😂!!!), the space required for each plantation, even with the improvement of articles in trade unions, the diversity of crops and orchards needed, make the space available in the New World too big a problem. For all this, it should be possible to include an option when configuring the initial game so that the islands of the New World have more or less amount of land occupied by rivers. Taking into account also that, with the mentioned seasons of the game and new needs of the residents, the space is very, very reduced in the New World. The users hope that with Season 4 this will be solved. The New World would be greatly benefited in terms of space if it were possible to establish a commuter pier too. As mentioned in point 3 of this list.
  8. This request is possibly something particular: the voices of the game, perhaps could be translated into more languages. I am Spain from, I am sure that the spanish-speaking community that owns the game is very large, and there are no voices in this language. Perhaps other users of other languages ​​could argue something similar.
  9. Perhaps most importantly, it would be truly amazing if they could improve the performance of the game. Even with a competent PC with a AMD Ryzen 5900X processor, a Gen4 NVMe SSD, a good amount of RAM (64GB, 3600MHz, CL14) and a Nvidia RTX 3090 graphics card, ultimately the FPS rate drops a lot. There are posts indicating that the low FPS is due to animated cursors. Knowing this, perhaps the problem can be addressed in some way. I do like animated cursors though. Perhaps something could be done, without losing them.

I insist, the game that all of you have created is majestic, I have never dedicated so many hours to any game that I have played and for so long. I try to be constructive. As I said at the beginning, very grateful to the entire team of developers.

Sorry so long exposure.

Kind regards.

Some quick answers:

  1. Might be possible, we'll need to investigate.
  2. Very high effort, currently unlikely.
  3. No plans to add it to the Arctic or Enbesa, it's considered part of the challenge for the regions.
  4. Generally, ships should be going towards the fastest dock. If this is working, it would be a bug.
  5. Can add it to topics to be discussed with the team. The railroad system overall is a complicated one, though
  6. This is not planned. Aside from the performance impact, this would mean spending a significant amount of development time on a gimmick-feature. We think that time can be spent better elsewhere.
  7. Space limitations have always been a core part of Anno. That said, Season 4 will introduce several ways to address the overall problem.
  8. We will consider the localization topic again for any future project, but for Anno 1800 we're not planning to add additional languages (voice or text).
  9. Some improvements might still be possible, but in the end there is only so much you can do in a live game + with the amount of content added to it.