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I don't even know if this is the right place to ask, but here we go:
I love anno, but there is something. No we got quite ''realistic'' proportions with houses, laout etc.
But everytime i look at the islands, i cannot really think of such real life similarity.

My question shortend, will there be a time in there the ''sea'' we have now, is replaced by a waste and relatively flat
countryside. So no more islands but big map where the terrain realisticly is in proportion, and not have mountains
next door or you can practically ''walk'' the ingame distance in under a day

thanks if there will be an aswer.
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Thorlof - Direct link
Hey Niki,

we're not planning to get rid of islands and only have one large landmass on a map.
One of the core pillars (and challenges) of the Anno series is settling islands with limited space and resources and setting up trade routes to supply your cities.
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Thorlof - Direct link
It's true that choice is great and that it most likely wouldn't be an issue to have that as an option, but consider this:

Let's stick to the 10% and say: We need to put development resources (manpower, money, time) into a feature that only 10% of our players are interested in while we could alternatively use the time and money to develop something that more players would enjoy. A bit simplified, sure, but in game development (and any other kind of project planning), prioritization is super important.
Add to that the aforementioned point that we think this is going against what makes Anno "Anno" and we end up in a situation where we have to say: Sorry, but multiple huge islands or landmasses will not be added to the game.