Original Post — Direct link
  • A few missing or faulty translations and texts:
    • Jean la Fortune has some English lines in all translations
    • Formatting error in multiplayer-lobbies in German language
    • Russian text localization inconsistencies for a few palace policies
    • Debug text when claiming shares after a military takeover in a different region
  • Club rewards do not unlock and do not have notifications upon redeeming them from main menu if player has active play session
  • A loading screen tip regarding the effect of the palace on the harbourmaster’s office sounds like the palace should be built on the coast
  • In-game alerts are not behaving as they should since GU8.0
  • Warning notifications show incorrect or no text if the source buildings are destroyed
  • The building menu can disappear after rapidly switching sessions
  • Landing screen shows infotips from the main menu when hovering over specific areas

  • Statistics menu shows cotton instead of wool for sailmakers in the old world
  • Copying a building next to a mine also copies the mine
  • The description of "François Strindberg, Crown Jeweller" is wrong
  • Jean la Fortune and Anne Harlow aren't appearing in the diplomacy screen
  • After destroying a ship, there are lanterns floating on that spot fora few seconds
  • The Icons of items in zoo/museum/botanical garden are cropped on top - except the first one
  • Some guest occasionally cannot be accepted at the public mooring
    Need DxDiag, engine.ini and save file
  • The “Optimisation” buffs do not apply to the botanical garden
  • Goods vanish if they are produced quicker than nearby factories can process them; excess isn't transported to warehouses
  • Trading post menu moves when you scroll if NPC have 5 or more items in offers and requests
  • Ornaments are changing their visuals after reloading the save file
  • Piers do not benefit from harbor activity items
  • Island shares menu opens and closes when opened during active dialogue
  • Items with the “peace mode” effect also grant damage immunity against mines
  • Archibald Blake is defeating the Pyrphorians
  • Mr Garrick is not shown in the new item overview
  • Palace UI is corrupted for Cultural Outreach Act in several languages during exhibition preparation phase
  • Fuel barrels separate from vehicle when transport crosses bridge
  • Item filter in statistics affects expedition/warehouse item search
  • Players can get stuck on the world map when attempting to enter first person mode during the animation
  • Ships have erratic behavior when approaching the escorted ship
  • Marketplace info window can remain stuck when selecting another building
  • Double Voiceover notifications when a building explodes
  • Camera movement hotkeys work simultaneously with actions which use same keys in combination
  • Blueprints of tractor barns/silos block farm field blueprints from being turned into real fields

  • Occasionally quests complete automatically right away after accepting them
  • Player is unable to progress with the quest "A Promise Kept"
    Need savegames
  • Player is unable to progress in the quest: "At Sir John's Camp."
    Need savegames
  • Quest objective for “The Ice Brigade” does not spawn
    Did you destroy your harbour before getting the quest? Please attach save file
  • No item is dropped or needed in the “In the Name of the Father” part 4 quest
  • Destroying the harbor before picking Sir John’s Logbook will result in a progress blocker
  • ”Dedicated Follower of Fashion” cannot be completed
  • Character story quests can spawn in different regions and cause the quest to autocomplete
  • ”Pleading the Belly” which requires Eli to be solved can appear in games without Eli
  • Quest "Hibernation” transports you to all islands of Bente, not just the relevant one in the old world
  • "The Strangled Revolution" takes the requested amount out of all the food present on the player’s ship

  • Sail ships sound like diesel engines
  • Missing sound when using the copy tool
  • Old Nate occasionally uses English voicelines with German and French audio settings
  • When playing with German audio, one Technician uses an English voiceline

  • NPCs are being replaced after long gameplay session in multiplayer
  • Imperial Pack Cannot be selected in Multiplayer
  • When a player leaves a co-op game, their position is still occasionally shown to other players
  • Using Mercier's flag or sea mines causes immediate desyncs
  • No option to stay neutral in war between two allied AIs in co-op

Spoiler:  Show
  • [Fixed]Potential performance issues with RTX cards
  • [Fixed]Wrong wording/grammar used for NPCs buying back island shares
  • [Will Not Fix]Sails are jittering sometimes, when V-Sync is turned off
  • [Fixed]Railway bridge costs are shown wrong.
  • [Fixed]Farm buildings: placing fields is not possible if the cursor was moved over other UI element while dragging the fields
  • [Fixed]Ships are stuck on a trade route on the world map
  • [Fixed]We received a few reports about the GUI not showing the correct income (e.g. negative income)
  • [Fixed]Arctic Tundra and Polar circle animals don’t count when equipped in Zoo for the Capital of Culture quest
  • [Fixed]Monument phases reset some progress after save-reload in the middle of its construction
  • [Fixed]Diving spot is out of map border
  • [Fixed]Statistics Button overlapping text on Marketplace
  • [Fixed]"An Arctic welcome" gives wrong numbers/chances on divers
  • [Fixed]Loading screen tips are inaccurate – trading history/gas usage
  • [Fixed]Grouped ships move to another session when one of them is assigned to a trade route between regions
  • [Fixed]Items are not working in combination
  • [Fixed]Explosion risk icon is missing when too many fire stations have been built
  • [Fixed]Beyond the horizon – quest objective for ship is on land
  • [Fixed]Pausing/Unpausing the heaters in the arctic plays farmer voice lines
  • [Fixed]Players are unable to complete the quest "Nadasky’s heir"
  • [Will Not Fix]Bente asks to settle on islands to explore the local butterflies - in the arctic
  • [Fixed] Potential performance issues with RTX cards
    If you still encounter issues, please send your system files (DxDiag. MSINFO) to our support team
  • [Fixed] The German version contains a few faulty translations
  • [Fixed] Sometimes invisible items/goods are blocking ship slots after picking up flotsam
  • [Fixed] Player cannot complete escort mission "Emergency Evacuation"
  • [Fixed] Blueprints are visible when taking in game photos
  • [Fixed] Animals don't disperse properly when no forest is present
  • [Fixed] Ships are going to a random harbor after coming from a different area.
  • [Fixed] Good cannot be manually loaded/unloaded at piers
  • [Fixed] Building new railways triggers a “missing costs” warning even if enough resources are available
  • [Fixed] In big savegames some players stop receiving quests from citizen
  • [Fixed] The effects from the newspaper are calculated wrongly
  • [Fixed] Unable to start multiplayer-mode/option greyed out
  • [Fixed] Uplay nickname of the multiplayer participant is displayed as previous Player's nickname after loading the savegame and inviting a new Player instead of the old one
  • [Fixed] I have a different Island after someone else than the host loaded the game
  • [Fixed] Trains stop working
  • [Fixed] Some players lose influence after loading their savegame
  • [Fixed] DX12: Game crashes on start.
    Make sure you update your graphics drivers and it should be fixed, if you continue to do so - please contact the support team.
  • [Fixed for Nvidia, still investigating for AMD]On game launch the integrated GPU is addressed by the game not the dedicated GPU
  • [Fixed] Performance issues in Steam.
    Should be fixed, if not please try offline mode and send a support ticket with your system files
  • [Fixed] Language suddenly changes.
  • [Fixed]Upon deleting the connecting tile on a t-crossing the next tile will transform in a functional end-track tile
  • [Fixed]Missing minimap marker in destroy quests
  • [Fixed]Player cannot complete "Prosperity for all"
  • [Fixed]Player cannot be re-invited to the saved multiplayer match if he/she is not in Uplay friend list of the Player who is loading the savegame
  • [Fixed]Players get infinite loading screen of multiplayer game session when the host leaves the title while loading screen
  • [Fixed]Players desync after anarchist patch with error LR40
  • [Fixed]Public Mooring object won't be adjusted to the terrain surface when being moved
  • [Fixed]Pick up miners objective can't be completed due to missing objects to pick up in Heigh oh Happy Resident Quest
  • [Fixed]Destruction tool red colour is not properly seen on quay elements
  • [Fixed]Happiness not updated once a production building is deleted
  • [Fixed]Diseased ship do not attack enemies although cursor type changes to attack-type
  • [Fixed]Victory & Lose: AI wins surprisingly the game
  • [Fixed]Playing a session, and starting a new one over and over can lead to a crash.
  • [Fixed]Objective for "Toast to the Future" is missing
  • [Fixed]Fire Station shows weird text and won't let player mobilize.
  • [Fixed][Achievement] "Annoholic" and "Party like it`s 1851" Club Challenges are not unlocked when completing the requirements in-game
  • [Fixed]Placeholders are present for some goods dropped from pirates ships
  • [Fixed]Powerplant stops working if workforce supply is below 100%
  • [Fixed]Newspaper wrongly reports Shortages
  • [Fixed]UI Island Bar workforce menu popups causing audio issue
  • [Fixed]Missing UI sounds on several screens
  • [Fixed]Stretching "Harbor Quay" through all map leads to severe FPS drop and micro-freezes for all players in session
  • [Fixed]Occasionally the expeditions cannot be completed in the quick match mode until the player reboots the title
  • [Fixed]Photo quest UI visible on screenshots used in the newspaper
  • [Fixed]Ships on "passive defensive" stance do not defend themselves.
  • [Fixed]Graphical corruption is present when AMD Crossfire is activated (please also bear in mind Crossfire is not supported).
  • [Fixed]Uplay overlay shade is not correctly displayed on AMD GPUs if title loaded with DirectX 12
  • [Fixed]Repair crane not working correctly if more than one ship is in its repair radius
  • [Fixed]Two pirates in South America
  • [Fixed]Large Lake is silent at Cape Trelawney
  • [Fixed]There are some lines in the diplomacy menu that don't trigger any audio.
  • [Fixed]Only host gets Sunken Treasures quest
  • [Fixed]FPS drops down while spamming in Multiplayer chat
  • [Fixed]Cancel Player invitation button has no icon in the "Invited Friends" field of multiplayer lobby
  • [Fixed]Anarchist DLC displaying as L1 in Uplay PC DLC list
  • [Fixed]Ships are stopping randomly on the sea
  • [Fixed]Main beach of Bright Sands cannot be built on
  • [Fixed]World Fair is sometimes not sending out carts
  • [Fixed]AI does not take workforce into account
  • [Fixed]"Reminder" message appears instead of the "Ready to hand in your quest" when clicking on second or third party Lighthouses and all requirements for Voluntary Quest were met
  • [Fixed]Chocolate is never previewed or unlocked in moderate
  • [Fixed]Bridges of the same type cannot be built in the same place after demolishing
  • [Fixed]Escorting ships can fall far behind the to be escorted ship
  • [Fixed]Cargo - Flotsam bounces several times then remains floating above the water
  • [Working as intended]Specialists can arrive on islands that are not the most attractive
  • [Working as intended]Play time is running faster if you play on fastest game speed
  • [Fixed]Items/resources are lost when diving with an already full salvager
  • [Working as intended]Specialists Treaties menu is empty if player is in alliance since session start
about 5 years ago - Ubi-Thorlof - Direct link
We have updated the known issues list