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I'm not sure if it was already known, but the code name for Anno 117 seems to have been "Anno 8: Dawn of Dominion", following the naming of the image used on their blogpost: https://static-wordpressv2.ubisoft.com/anno-union.com/content/uploads/2024/06/Anno8_DawnOfDominion_scaled.jpg

(From: https://anno-union.com/announcing-anno-117-pax-romana/)

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14 days ago - /u/Ubi-Thorlof - Direct link

Nope, that's not the code name ;)

"Dawn of Dominion" is the name of the artwork.

Faaaaar too long for a codename, you want to go for one, maximum two words at most for internal stuff.
But feel free to guess what the actual codename is!