Original Post — Direct link
I'm afraid, I don't understand the new trading. I figured out how it works, but I don't see any great strategies at the moment. Shall I build the most efficent product chain and simply change these goods for inefficient chains? Right now, I am mostly inporting any goods that I don't really need to unlock everything. What's next? Shall I grow grain, and sell it to import potatoes, even though I could plant potatoes right away? Firstly, I thought it's for early game, until I saw the big price of 25k gold to build it.

I was just thinking of how I want to approach a new Island, but i'm not sure how to do it.
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Thorlof - Direct link
Originally Posted by demsubala
Have you got any problem putting a fishery in the seashore?
Originally Posted by Shrek19572019
Have the same problem can't build fish oil factories in new world
We've seen reports and they so far all were related to a mod (part of "Spice it Up, I believe).

Please remove all mods and verify the game files or wait for updates to your mods to make them compatible again.