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about 4 years ago - Ubi-Thorlof - Direct link
Originally Posted by AORUS2017
1. delete the timer! or cut it to 11 minutes!
2. add a button to disable the trade if not needed
3. give us more money to 200,000,000
4. build the harbour modules base on population on each island.
5. build Captain Tobias fleet of ships not just one ship to cut the time down for those who do trade
Hey, sorry to disappoint here but these are specific design decisions that won't be changed.

You can build the Docklands on each of your islands in the Old World and Cape Trelawney (and not just on one) and all will be visited by the Captain. You can then still transport goods you traded between your islands.
Harbor modules are specifically tied to your progress with exporting: Level up goods, unlock more slots and profit from being able to expand your Docklands with more modules. The same goes for the products from the Global Importers, which are providing you with more options when you successfully import/export more goods. The design philosophy here is "use the Docklands to get more out of the Docklands".

I don't hate Anno it just the devs never listen you can see how the game was build with only one option learn it our way or don't play it
I'd have to politely but nevertheless strongly disagree here. I think with previous Game Updates as well as our plans for Season 3 and the most recent Game Update 10 we're very clearly addressed and will address requested features and improvement by the community.
Of course we will never be able to address ALL suggestions for various reasons: from manpower reasons (our resources are limited, we can't do everything) to cases of "our Design team considers this the best solution".

This also plays into the 2nd part of your post: "learn it our way or don't play it"
Well, on the one hand you're right: As with any game - no matter if it's a board game or a video game - a game designer sets the rules. They decide how things work, it's their job.
On the other hand, I think that in general you do have a lot of options as to how to play Anno 1800 in general. And with "Docklands" you actually get more options: You can decide to not produce certain goods or replace their production chains wit trade, for example.

So, we definitely do listen to community feedback and usually tend to read a lot more than we have time to reply to. But please understand that not all requests or suggestions will also be implemented.

@Humility925: The quest starts when you have leveled up one good to "Legendary exporter level".