Original Post — Direct link
I realize that I post the thread in the wrong forums that few people saw my post
So I post it again.
This video was producted before the Docklands DLC, and I will make another video includes newest DLC in 2~3 months later.
Ps: I am learning to use C4D these 2 months with a macbook and far away from my gaming PC.
It's a pity that I'm too busy to improve all details in the video.
There is only a few kinds of simple ways about camera motion in the game, so this may be the best effect I could make by the game itself.
Because of the limit of my PC's hardware, frame loss is unavoidable. Plz ignore that

My savegame download link:
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Shikallum - Direct link
@Breadom Woah that looks amazing, I think I need a few lessons!