Original Post — Direct link

https://anno-union.com/devblog-empire-of-the-skies-dlc/: (https://anno-union.com/devblog-empire-of-the-skies-dlc):

We got a tip for you – it is better to build your first Hangar in the New World as it is cheaper, and it does not require aluminium in its initial stages, whereas a Hangar placed in the Old World will require aluminium immediately

that's not how it is implemented
all material requirements are identical (with slight difference in the final phase: ow=40 windows, nw=50 sails)
workforce requirements actually penalize the new world: first stages need more, last stage requires less but of a more advanced type

Ideally, one should keep one's promises.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Thorlof - Direct link

Hey, thank you for pointing this out.
There was indeed a change after the blog that both hangars now have the same construction costs for the foundation. We'll adjust the blog accordingly.
So, this is now working as intended, apologies for the confusion.

The 2nd phase still differs between both, the Old World Hangar requires Windows while the New World Hangar requires Sail Cloth.