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Hey Anno Community,

While we’re in denial that January is already coming to an end – we’re still finishing up all the chocolate stockpiled during the holidays – we thought to have a small recap of the latest news in this Union Update.

Island design contest

Our third and last contest is up and running, Annoholics! Have you always dreamed to have your very own island design for an Anno game? Well, this is the perfect opportunity for you. In this contest, we challenge you to design an island for the Latium region, in Anno 117: Pax Romana. If you would like to submit your entry for a chance to see your island in the game, check the full rules here.

Since we received some questions on the topic of “group submissions” we updated the rules accordingly: two or more people can work together on a single island design.

An update on the Community Statue

Speaking of contests, we thought it was the perfect time for us to share an update on the Community statue! Last August we announced the winner of our first Community Contest – Design a Statue: the mighty Annocius, the god of the 9, created by HiddenMoon79.

A little disclaimer: this is a work-in-progress “highpoly sculpt” of the statue, it will still get texture and colours.

(Which also answers this recent question from Reddit)

Roads? Where we’re going, we… definitely need roads.

Last week, on a very fitting date – January 17th – we shared a little teaser on our social accounts.

And of course, you all at once spotted that something is different compared to previous Anno games. Diagonal roads! We have seen multiple questions on how the road system will work in Anno 117: Pax Romana but fear not: we have got a dedicated DevBlog coming in the next weeks. In the meantime, without too many spoilers on the topic, we would like to address some of the concerns we read in the comments.  

Q: Is this actual game footage or just part of a scene? 

A: Yes, this is a screenshot taken in-game by Oliver, our Community Developer, who diligently placed those roads for this teaser. We think he did a pretty good job, didn’t he?  

Q: What happened to the Anno grid? Did you get rid of it? 

A: No, we didn’t! For all the efficiency builders our there – do not worry, the grid will still be there in Anno 117: Pax Romana. Our dedicated DevBlog mentioned earlier will explain in detail how the road system works, and which improvements we did to the grid compared to Anno 1800 and previous Anno games. 

A wild Town Crier appears!

Yes, Annoholics! You have seen that right – a wild Town Crier has appeared in Anno 117: Pax Romana! You have already noticed how it recreates the scene from our reveal video, but will you see the Town Crier appear somewhere else? Who knows…







We hope you enjoyed our quick recap of the latest news, and the little teaser we sprinkled here and there in the past weeks. We’ve got more news coming, together with insightful DevBlogs on the new Anno… so, watch this space!

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