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Hello everyone!

First I just want to say that the ANNO 1800 game is better than ever! Thank you! I also want to say that I think people and buildings are still a bit out of scale. Not all people in relation to all buildings but some of them. For example: the entrance of the Engineers' buildings and people in general are clearly out of scale. In this case I believe the best solution would be a change in the building instead of people size. Many game characters have a good size but maybe shrinking some of them a further 10 to 15% would minimize the issue. I also noticed that we either have adults or children as inhabitants in the game. The game even show people in the wheelchair and that is cool. On the other hand I noticed that young people are extremely under represented in the game. How about creating lots of teenagers and young adults and filling the game with them? Young adulthood is such a beautiful age!

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Thorlof - Direct link

Hey there!

On the scale topic: You may notice a few things like that in the game. That's usually not an oversight, though, but intended: We have to make sure that everything is well-visible from your standard "eagle- view". That sometimes means changing the scale of objects, but also creating very distinctively different looking buildings - if we wanted to be authentic here, many of the factories would look the same and probably had roofs over everything.

You have a good point on the type of feedback units, though. It might be that we left out a generation, visually.
However, at this point we're not really planning to add more feedback units to the game except when they're needed for a new feature, for example. It's a good suggestion for the future, though, to diversify the pool of feedback units.