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I can't use no club rewards any more in Anno 1800.

For example all extra water fountains and all ship skins are locked in Anno's menu. For example, when I click on one of the extra fountains and try to build it, the Ubisoft Connect overlay opens in game instead of selecting the fountain for construction.

On the other hand Ubisoft Connect shows all club rewards as activated - at least there's a green mark on each:

I recently got a new computer and reinstalled Ubisoft Connect and Anno on this machine. Maybe that's part of the problem?

Can you help me here, am I doing something wrong?

I'm not the only one experiencing this issue, please refer to this reddit thread, too: https://www.reddit.com/r/anno1800/co..._up_as_locked/
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Thorlof - Direct link
Hey all,

we're aware some players are still having issues with their rewards since the switch to Ubisoft Connect.

Right now we're in contact with our colleagues in the Ubisoft Connect team and hope to have an update on the matter for you soon.

Thank you for your patience.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Thorlof - Direct link
As stated above, this is an issue related to Ubisoft Connect which can't be fixed just by ourselves but together with the Ubisoft Connect team (and is not only present in Anno 1800).

For anyone affected by the recent issue with the Club/Connect Rewards being shown as unlocked in Ubisoft Connect itself but are locked in the game, could you please provide info on the following points?
- Are you using mods?
- Are you playing offline?
- Do you have the game updated to the latest version? (9.1.968978)
- Did you receive any popups in-game or from the Connect Client (at the bottom of the game)
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Thorlof - Direct link
Thank you all, we've forwarded the info to the team. They have enough for their investigation, we'll keep you updated
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Thorlof - Direct link
As stated before, as soon as we have an update, we will let you know

This issue affects multiple games after the switch to Connect and the responsible team is currently investing it.
You can also stay updated via our support page:
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Thorlof - Direct link
The issue is still under investigation by the Ubisoft Connect team who we're working with on this matter.
As soon as we have news, we will of course let you know.

Apologies for the inconveniences.