almost 6 years ago - Bastian Thun - Direct link

It was all the way back at gamescom 2017 when we announced Anno’s steam fueled step into the industrial revolution. 15.000 comments later, we can say that we have not only created the biggest Anno game to date, but also that all of this was made possible thanks to the collaboration with and the unwavering support of our Union members. 

Today, we are happy to announce that Anno 1800 is leaving its harbor here in the Ubisoft Blue Byte Mainz office for its grand maiden voyage, ready to bring its proud heritage of 21 years of city building and exploration to players around the world.

We also want to send a big, heartfelt “thank you” from the whole development team to all Anno players and Anno Union supporters out there. This journey has been something truly special and the result is a game made with an incredible amount of passion by old veterans, new talents and our dearest fans alike.

Join our AnnoCast Launch Party
To celebrate the big launch of Anno 1800, we want to invite every one of you to celebrate with us in a live stream, which will happen tomorrow at 1pm UTC.
We will host the AnnoCast Launch Party where we will go on a serious trip down memory lane, eat cake, raffle out Anno swag aplenty and chat with you about the development or maybe even turn the tables once and comment on other streamer’s playstyle.
This stream is dedicated to you, our loyal fans, who made the game possible in the first place: April 16 1pm UTC at
Our first taste of our upcoming fan site kit
We have been talking for a while about our fan site kit, but so far kept you waiting. That wait is finally ending, as the first version of the fan site kit is now available (though we will add more stuff to it over time).

For now, you can grab a customized Anno 1800 streaming layout, as well as the first wallpaper and a variety of social media assets here: Anno Union Fansite Kit Preview

Release times and day one time
As a reminder, below are the global release times of Anno 1800. While Annoholics in Asia and Oceania have already set their sails, other regions of the globe will get to join them over the coming day. Should you find yourself craving some Anno-tainment in these last hours of waiting, you can already pop over to twitch and YouTube to see more of the game, or read up on the first reviews that came out today.

Keep in mind that the below world map only applies to unlock times for Uplay. Timings on the Epic Games store and Steam vary, as we are reliant on our partners for these launches on their platforms.

We also want to remind owners of the physical copy of the game that there will be a 23GB download for our Day 1 Patch, as we have been busy further improving the game since we started producing the game discs a few weeks back.

In the spirit of reminiscing on 1 ½ years of the Anno Union, we would love to hear your stories about your favorite memories and moments from this exciting time.