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Its hot in here and im using MSI afterburner to monitor the CPU/GPU Temperature and Usage values.

CPU Usage plays between %60 to 100. I guess this is normal?
GPU Usage is also the same.

But the important one is how much GPU Temp it should be? It goes around 60 to 85 or even 90. You think this is normal for this game? For this GPU? I even tried to work the fans %100 speed but it doesnt go down. I dont wanna damage my PC components.

I get around 45 fps with these settings and lowering the graphic quality didnt help either..

over 3 years ago - ubi-smash - Direct link

Hi there, @the-blue-spirit! When checking over the CPU and GPU you have, you should be able to run within the minimum and recommend system requirements. If you are using any overclocked settings on your PC, I would advise restoring all of your settings to default while following some of our PC troubleshooting Steps here to help remedy the overall usage on your system. I would also check to see if you have any other background applications opening with playing Odyssey and disable anything running in the background to see if this helps.

Let us know if this helps or if you continue to see the same pattern after exhausting all steps shared.

over 3 years ago - ubi-smash - Direct link

Hi there, @the-blue-spirit! When checking over the CPU and GPU you have, you should be able to run within the minimum and recommend system requirements. If you are using any overclocked settings on your PC, I would advise restoring all of your settings to default while following some of our PC troubleshooting Steps here to help remedy the overall usage on your system. I would also check to see if you have any other background applications opening with playing Odyssey and disable anything running in the background to see if this helps.

Let us know if this helps or if you continue to see the same pattern after exhausting all steps shared.