You are the vanguard.
You will be the first few who will set foot into this game, exposed to all matter of things. Potential bugs, smaller player numbers, the first prices of the Vanity Store (and the amount of time it will take to get them for free). You will be the first ones to have the chance to provide feedback and constructive criticism for the future of Anthem.
Do not miss this chance.
Find every issue. Use every item. Fly everywhere. Kill everything. Save the world over and over again. Collect every resource and cortex entry. Play by yourself, play together. Explore every nook and cranny of this game, take everything you find that needs fixing and post it here in the appropriate threads. Don't get angry. Don't throw your controller and say "f**k EA" like so many alarmist gamers these days. Remember that Bioware are here and are willing to improve the game based on our feedback as soon as possible. Everything that you can give them will be a good thing.
Help shape the game into something the rest of us can truly enjoy with you when we get our turn. We're counting on your support, as much as Bioware counts on it too.
Good luck, Freelancers.
EDIT: Hey, folks. Thank you for the discussion, upvotes and the Silver! I know this post might be a bit cringy with how I delivered it, but hey, I had fun writing it while having a break at work. You guys are a wonderful community and it shows, both in your supportive posts and your criticisms. In the end, we all want the same thing: to have a great game that we can all jump into and have a blast playing. :D
Also, some typos and bad grammar have been corrected. Cheers to those who pointed them out.
This is an awesome message, thank you for sharing it. We will definitely be watching, reading, and listening to the waves of feedback. Huge thanks to those of you who are taking the dive soon.