about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by K1dP5ycho

You are the vanguard.

You will be the first few who will set foot into this game, exposed to all matter of things. Potential bugs, smaller player numbers, the first prices of the Vanity Store (and the amount of time it will take to get them for free). You will be the first ones to have the chance to provide feedback and constructive criticism for the future of Anthem.

Do not miss this chance.

Find every issue. Use every item. Fly everywhere. Kill everything. Save the world over and over again. Collect every resource and cortex entry. Play by yourself, play together. Explore every nook and cranny of this game, take everything you find that needs fixing and post it here in the appropriate threads. Don't get angry. Don't throw your controller and say "f**k EA" like so many alarmist gamers these days. Remember that Bioware are here and are willing to improve the game based on our feedback as soon as possible. Everything that you can give them will be a good thing.

Help shape the game into something the rest of us can truly enjoy with you when we get our turn. We're counting on your support, as much as Bioware counts on it too.

Good luck, Freelancers.

EDIT: Hey, folks. Thank you for the discussion, upvotes and the Silver! I know this post might be a bit cringy with how I delivered it, but hey, I had fun writing it while having a break at work. You guys are a wonderful community and it shows, both in your supportive posts and your criticisms. In the end, we all want the same thing: to have a great game that we can all jump into and have a blast playing. :D

Also, some typos and bad grammar have been corrected. Cheers to those who pointed them out.


This is an awesome message, thank you for sharing it. We will definitely be watching, reading, and listening to the waves of feedback. Huge thanks to those of you who are taking the dive soon.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by RiseOfBacon

We’ll likely have some megathreads lined up for it. Story Discussion being one of them

Stay tuned

Yeah I was going to say I didn’t want to put it on the mods without chatting with them first haha. But yeah this would be awesome. I know our community managers will also be working to get bug reports surfaced to us as often as they can, but we’ll be reading the subreddit ourselves too.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by xSlaynx

Sure man, happy to help!

Once the mods set a megathread about bug reporting i will share a template in case they find it useful, but some of the common points are:

Technical information (your platform, version, O.S. if PC etc)
Preconditions (like: "in order to reproduce the bug, you need to be int his state or achieved X first, cannot be reproduced otherwise")

Steps: What steps are neccessary in order for the bug to happen

Expected result: What did you expect to happen while playing when the bug happened

Actual result: What actually happened (the bug itself so to speak)

Additional information: (Any extra info and stuff like screenshots, videos...whatever you think might help understanding the bug)

But as i said, i will share a proper template for everyone once the megathread is done by the mods

Yeah this is awesome. Greatly helps us internally if we have information like this.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by xSlaynx

Hi Camden, im a senior QA in software development (also in game development in the past) i wouldnt mind working a bit for free to help improving the game and help you guys, any place where i can send reports/defects?

Cheers and thanks for your hard work!

I think you called it out below and the mods under my comment but I think we’ll have some mega threads about it. Most importantly for visibility on the breadth of impact will be folks upvoting or adding context to bugs they experienced too.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by SignatureToke

Hey man, im a 31 year old dude who just beat stage 3 cancer and i want you to know that playing this game no joke was on my list of reasons to live. I love flying i love it o so very much. i played the ps3 superman returns video game for hours just flying around metropolis. I have faith in you guys and i hope everything goes great with no scandals. Much Love <3

That is incredible man, congrats and I’m really happy that we could be a small part of that battle with you. I can’t wait for you to get in tomorrow and play. Thanks for your kind words. <3

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Valenten

Heyo! This is some pre game day thoughts for me. Will we have the option to go back and play the story once we have finished it if we would like? Since some games have new game+ and stuff! Was just wondering if yall had considered something like that.

Not currently, though you can go in and quick play to reinforce other players/freelancers which will put you in their mission. I believe this can be done for missions you have already completed.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Shokuryu

Hi Camden, just leaving a message that I really do appreciate anyone from the team coming to communicate with the community. I understand you won't be forever working on this game and will have to move on at some point, but regardless of any good or bad press towards this game, I just want to say that you will be doing a great service by continuing to communicate with the community, even if your updates aren't all good or informative. Updates are always appreciated. Thanks for all of your work and efforts. It does not go unnoticed.

Thanks so much Shokuryu, really appreciate that. I plan on sticking around as long as you all will have me. :)

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by kenny4351

Anyone with Origin Access Premiere seeing the release date at February 22nd? I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but I subscribed for Premiere just to get early access to the game on the 15th. Can any devs help?


Hey Kenny I’d make sure that you do in fact have the origin access premiere subscription active on your account and that you are logged into the correct account. I’m not sure what exactly you are seeing but the official worldwide release is Feb 22nd and early access starts tomorrow.

If you’re having issues please reach out to our Customer Experience team so they can help you out.


about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by manosteel292

Sorry to hijack this comment, but I'm having no luck figuring this out. Exactly when and where can EA Access players download the trial? Or is it just available somehow at launch time, meaning I need yo plan for download time as well?

Thanks for all you do!

My understanding is that it will be available on Xbox at the time of launch for early access.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by kenny4351

I figured it out. I reinstalled my Origin client and a second Anthem icon appeared in my library. The first Anthem has a release date of Feb 22nd and the second Anthem in my library has the correct release date at Feb 15th. I should be good to go!

Edit: Added screenshot of my updated game library showing both Anthem games.

Oh awesome! Glad you got that working and thanks for the follow-up. Good info to know.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Nano_X

Hi. Wasn't it going to be available for EA Access users today? As a 10h early access demo?

Sorry to clarify, I meant at the time of launch for the early access. So it should be available now.