

30 Mar


Originally posted by tiahx

Yes we took a look at this one yesterday. We’re trying to understand the scope of the impact. Storm should be getting 20% damage reduction on hover and it does look like this isn’t always the case. We’ve got it logged.


Originally posted by k0hum

I really hope all of the issues with anthem are resolved and we can all enjoy the game together and get back to friendly banter with Bioware on reddit and social media. All this hostility is no fun. :(

Me too, but you’re right. The first part is on us. We have to resolve the problems first.


Originally posted by Bakedbrown1e

I really want to be sympathetic about the more difficult to solve bugs but it's made so difficult when no one seems to be taking the easy wins like sorting out the loot situation (or even just having a clearer discussion about what the reservations are to hitting on the on switch an what you're doing about it).

I suspect I speak for a lot of the community here but not talking about the big issues in a more transparent way (and I'm sorry but from this side of the conversation "we're looking into it" is not transparency) makes otherwise understandable issues just more fuel to the fire.

I hear you, but as I’ve said before, loot drop rates and reward systems aren’t a topic that I can weigh in on. The decisions around loot are actively being worked on and discussed everyday, but they aren’t being made on the gameplay team. We are focused on creating the content you interact with during the moment-to-moment gameplay: Javelins, abilities, weapons, creatures, combos, status effects, Masterwork functionality, combat systems, etc. I expect that the community team and studio leadership will post updates as soon as we have more to share on loot.


Originally posted by ajm53092

Well when have had these same bugs that have been around since launch that you guys have been working on, supposedly fixed, and apparently not, twice; it makes it difficult to care why, just that its still a problem.

Yeah I totally understand. I’ve sprouted dozens of grey hairs because of this problem alone. Every time I see us take several shots at it, only for it to rise from the dead again, I get angry/frustrated/upset/disappointed knowing that we’ve let you all down. I wish it were easy. If it were, we’d have knocked it out and been done with it. As long as it’s still happening, we’ll keep looking into it.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Unfortunately since launch all of my time at work had gone to assisting and facilitating the gameplay team development. I’ve had significantly less time interacting with the community and this subreddit than the community team. Happy to receive, read, and take criticism.


Originally posted by leftnut027

/u/Biocamden is fully aware, he had responded multiple times that this was just a UI bug. After thousands of players proving this was incorrect, that health is actually bugged, he said the critism hurt his feelings and has been silent about it since.

Haha I’ve been mostly silent in general over the last few weeks. I’ve been focusing as much of my time as I can in my primary role assisting the gameplay team with development and resolving issues.

When we first dug into this, we only had information and reproduction of the one UI related aspect of this bug. Through additional testing and reports we ended up identifying two. Both of which had fixes roll out with 1.0.4. As I mentioned in another thread on this topic we’ve put in another bug report on this as we clearly haven’t resolved all of the root problems. Sorry that you read my points, acknowledgement of the bugs, and lack of recent participation on the subreddit as anything else.


Originally posted by Parabrezza69

The “I’ll create a bug” was actually intended right?

Yes haha yes bug REPORT. Yikes. Sorry internally we track tickets as tasks, bugs, etc.

29 Mar


Thanks for the additional report details and context /u/exoronin. I'll create a bug report* with this new info and get this looked into again.

26 Mar


Originally posted by FluffyGralen

Thanks for responding to the things that lie in your area of expertise :)
I've read that for a number of players it seems that flight time is shorter post-patch instead of longer. Would this be something that fits in the Javelins/combat area that you would be able to comment on?

Yes, I’ve submitted a bug to get that looked into. Thanks for the report FluffyGralen


Originally posted by Colancio

I have an issue with the Ranger's masterwork component "general's favor" it says increases grenade recharge rage by % without the number.

Yes that’s a known issue Colancio, you should still notice a difference because the stat itself shouldn’t be affected. I believe that’s just a text error.


Originally posted by MSsucks

How about a reply to all the other broken stuff in the update.

Like I mentioned above, I can really only speak to things that are within combat or creature gameplay. I don't know everything about every system and every update.

If you have questions or reports of things related to Javelins, combat, Masterworks, or anything like that I'd be happy to help.


Originally posted by Colancio

Please acknowledge the problems 1.0.4 brought and say something to calm the masses.

I can really only speak to things that are within combat or creature gameplay. If you have questions or reports of things related to Javelins, combat, Masterworks, or anything like that I'd be happy to help.


Originally posted by [deleted]


I saw the post and I happened to know the answer. I'm just trying to help.


Wanted to hop in and clarify this one. This is worded differently because the melee hit itself doesn’t have to kill the enemy. If you hit an enemy, and then later your teammate finishes the enemy, you’ll still get the 20% armor.

02 Mar


Originally posted by Nullifics

Hmmm I dont want to be a pest but /u/BioCamden can you guys run the numbers on your side to confirm Ranger is actually getting 4x combo damage currently?

Yeah we can take a look.


Originally posted by Mephanic

Does this mean that primer "stacks" between different primers and Javelins applied to the same enemy get added up? If say Colossus applies Flamethrower for X stacks of fire primer and Ranger throws an Inferno Grenade for Y stacks of primer, does the target now have X+Y stacks?

This would be very relevant for enemies that are very hard to prime, e.g. Stronghold bosses - a coordinated squad could choose primers of all the same element to facilitate combos on the boss more often.

Yes all priming effects from any javelin contribute towards the threshold of whether or not the enemy receives the status effect as long as it’s the same type. So if one Ranger can’t apply Ice, two can potentially if they both contribute with Frost grenade within a short enough window for the stacks to not fall off the creature.


Originally posted by [deleted]


The overall intent for gun to gear balance is roughly 50/50 use. There are some edge-cases depending on your build though.

01 Mar


Hey just to help clarify one point. The ability to prime a target is separate from damage. The you can usually see the stat in s separate line in the item’s UI in the forge. For example Venom Spray in the Interceptor is high damage and a base primer value of 15, while Acid Bomb damage is low but a high primer value of 60. Meaning that whole both can prime a target, Acid Bomb does it 4x more effectively.

These effects add that many stacks to a creature and different creatures have different primer thresholds. For example 15 Acid may prime a footman. But it won’t prime a Legendary Scar Heavy, while 60 probably will.

As for the combo discussion I think this is great feedback in an excellent format. I think a scaling problem right now is how we are scaling melee, ultimates, combos, and status effect damage. This should scale better so those are still useful in GM1+.

You are right about the Combo Text vs Combo Numbers. I’ll take that feedback to the team. Also ...

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28 Feb


Originally posted by Favure

I’m sorry but I just put together a melee ranger build with MW frost grenade and MW pulse blast, which equates to a 235% melee damage, I also stacked on the MW component granting me an additional 30% melee damage, so with all buffs and passives active I was able to reach 265% melee damage and on gm1 and I wasn’t even able to kill or barely even do half the health of a red bar scorpion or red bar scar.. where was this tested this on hard mode? I know this is a week or so old and I’m not trying to be an ass but a lot of these MW perks and components feel horrible on the ranger and the good ones like recurring vengeance (MW seeker missile) doesn’t even work if you get a combo kill.

This melee build is in no way viable especially due to the fact that it wants you to freeze an enemy, follow up with a long range detonator then rush in with a melee before your buff goes away to not even be able to kill the weakest enemy on gm1. If rangers melee had no cooldown or the buffs also a...

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Thanks for the awesome feedback Favure. We’re actively and regularly reviewing all of the Masterworks. More to come.


Originally posted by Burgo86


Does Blast Damage apply to Arc Burst? All other forms of blast damage that I can think of create a "blast", as in do some type of "explosion". This skill hits one target then chains to another, leaving me confused if this skill is actually blast damage or not?

No I don’t believe that it is blast damage. It’s effectively a chained single target damage skill.