Original Post — Direct link






I did my best to make sure these are accurate. I can however make mistakes. If I did and you notice it feel free to let me know in the comments. I will update if needed.


Thanks for all the support! Anyone is free to share. Just don’t remove watermark and/or link credit please.

Updated as of 02/06/2019.

-Added (DOT) at the end of Interceptor Ult Assassins Blades 2:30PM Cental US 02/06/19.

-Error on Storm text on BURNING ORB LISTED AS BLAST SEAL has been corrected as of 2:30PM Cental US 02/06/19

-Fixed misspelling of ORDNANCE on Colossus 6:10 PM Central US 02/06/19

-Updated Interceptors Ult to better description from Official Website. 9:40PM Central US 02/06/19

-Updated Ranger's Frost grenade spelling error and removed does damage from the description from official website. 2:55PM Central US 02/07/19

External link β†’
about 6 years ago - /u/BioTalisker - Direct link

This is fantastic. Thank you for creating such a wonderful tool. We have such a great community. 😊

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by LawbringerX

They seriously need to change the name of Detonating Strike if it's a primer. Perhaps call it "Resonating Strike" and make up some science voodoo about how it resonates inside the enemy and they explode? Same effect, better name, less confusion. /u/Benirvo and /u/BioCamden <(O_o)<

Totally valid, I’ll bring it to the team. I think this was named prior to us finalizing what we eventually ended up calling primers and detonators. I’ll pass this on :)