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While I have enjoyed the demo(s) as a way to further test (to still not get a single drop of Acid Grenade or Shadow Claw no matter how much farming I did) and flex the various abilities and items available to Interceptor, as it will definitively be the Javelin I play the game as...I'm a bit concerned about the lack of polish around a few key points.

Now, originally I was far more devastated - because with the current state of Spark Dash, Acid Spray, and the occasional time-slows-down-animation-then-never-hits-but-animation-locks Tempest Strike - I was kind of pissed. For those who don't know, Spark Dash is the only detonator for Assault slots on Interceptor, and in the demo build, it would not aim where your reticle is, it would fly wherever your Javelin was facing, has a horrible hitbox, and does really meh damage. The ability is listed to strike everyone in the path of your dash, but it would also just end at wherever it first made contact with, and the aoe is so small that your actual melee attacks hit wider. So there was no "path" you could use to strike through various enemies. With a name and description like that, I was expecting some light speed flash attack that would kill everything behind me after I passed through it. Profound disappointment.

Acid Spray is the same way. So in situations where I frontflip over a target and falling shotgun blast it's shields off, to land behind it and snap-turn my reticle to use Acid Spray, my Javelin would throw it where it was facing instead - meaning I was back to back with a mob and threw my cooldown out into thin air, doing nothing. Bonus points if the mob regenerated shields during the animation lock/recovery.

Tempest Strike has an issue where if you are on uneven elevations or fall into terrain while casting it, it would sometimes make me go into a matrix slow-mo in place while doing the kick, which the first couple times at least looks cool - until it finally comes out and usually does zero damage, meanwhile during the animation lock I cannot cancel or dash or anything, so sometimes I would legitimately die because I was being destroyed while stuck in this slow-mo.

I have at least heard good news that both Spark Dash and Acid Spray were "bugged", and that they properly aim where you are aiming the reticle instead of where your Javelin is facing in the current build, and is intended to do so for release. This helps tremendously, because this previous issues kind of broke the class. But experiencing them alongside other things helped me turn a critical eye to other aspects of Interceptor that were suffering, and a few key points still came out, so I'm going to express them here - both because I want to sound off to any other Interceptor Pilots if they felt the same way, to find out if I am just crazy or have high standards, and secondly because I want the game to deliver unto me the ideal fantasy I am THIS close to feeling while playing Interceptor - so I GUESS other people can reap the benefits of that too.

Wraith Strike is wack. It doesn't even hit the same target three times if there's no other targets. Wack animation, wack travel speed, wack damage, no effect. Doesn't even carry my aura during a combo. Please keep iterating on this. Possibly worst in slot ability in the game.

Before that, I would like to clarify the thing I DO love, that I feel the team nailed with Interceptor - specifically the mobility aspect. I love the multiple dash/jump/hover canceling. This is specifically the kind of nitty-gritty self control aspects that will keep me playing the class, because having granular self control like this really immerses me in combat. While some other things feel a little...late to the polish/iteration party, I can taste the attention paid to making the "feel" of the mobility for interceptor a key part of the experience, and so far, I can say with confidence you are succeeding. Whatever that is, I hope for more of it in future updates.

So, onto the concerns.

1 - A synergy crisis between primers and detonators within the class.

Currently, Spark Dash is the only detonator in the assault category, and Tempest Strike is the only one in the strike category.

The problem being all the assault category primers that combo with tempest strike, are ranged.

And the only primers in the strike category are melee range, which turns Spark Dash into a lengthy startup fake melee combo instead of using it's aspect as a gap closer. (Though if it passed through targets like it is described to do, this would feel less bleh.)

In the future, please offer more satisfying options that flow together properly, because trying to trigger combos with just my own ability systems feels crappy. I'm better off just spamming melee on everything. There's not a lot to work with that feels natural/ideal, except maybe bumming it with acid grenade and tempest strike. That's the ONLY one off the head that really flows. I understand that melee should be a go-to detonator, but that's no excuse to fail on delivering valid combo options for abilities, especially for ranged.

2 - "Aura" Combo Effect needing a bit more juice.

Currently, Aura requires me to aggressively get in melee range with things to utilize it properly. However, it barely lasts for any decent amount of time, and generally feels like a way less safe storm combo, which immediately spreads the effect on detonation. If anything, I also feel since it does an "over time" application of the element, the duration it lasts for should be longer for the sake of effectiveness. Another thing I notice is that it doesn't do much outright damage. If I'm going to be putting myself in the most danger to access the effect continuously, I feel like the least it can do is add the element directly to my melee strikes while increasing the damage a bit, because swinging elemental blades is always cool, and it makes sense with stacking ailment on what I am hitting, rather than being a stinky color cloud beating someone with pool noodles. EVERY other Javelin's combo effect is an immediate payoff you can then back away from, where as mine feels like more of a patch job, or barely justifying itself for the danger I put myself in. Freezing people over time while I melee them is nice, I guess, but that's just making me melee them for the sake of using melee on them since I'm doing it to freeze them over time. A storm could just do it immediately while shooting from safety. I'm not feeling the wombo part of the combo, nor do I feel like a melee specialist, since it is not actually enhancing my melee. Also, detonating from distance feels like sh*t because by the time I can even close the gap to try and gimp it out with my Aura, it's faded away. Big yuck. If it was attached to increasing the power and charging my blades with the element on top of the aoe ailment, it could hold the charge until I whack something, at least, because it would make sense.

As a side note, there are also several times when my melee completely fails to detonate even after whacking someone over 7 times, when they are clearly primed and I have not detonated in quite some time. Mixing it up with jump canceling into the falling slash etc to try and "reset" the games ability to recognize my trying to detonate doesn't fix it. Seems like a bug. When it happens, it makes the above design clash between primers and detonators feel even worse.

3 - My Javelin Ultimate being the only ultimate being completely defeated/negated by enemies 7 feet in the air or any enemy who can scale terrain. This completely disconnects me from the melee specialist fantasy, and I legitimately feel conned out of an ultimate in various, even average situations as a result. This doesn't happen with any other Javelin Ultimate. However, this ties into a major flaw in the "Melee Specialist" structure for Interceptor currently, so it's a layered issue.

Case in point. Hovering scar hunters, the boss we get to fight in the demo, any enemy on an elevation point, or a hovering valkyrie mob, you name it. If it can climb something, has great hang time and big hops, or a jetpack, then why does my ultimate even exist? I may as well start spamming emotes because I can't do jack sh*t, it's my true Achilles heel. APPARENTLY, despite all the massive technological advances made in the games universe, it is actually impossible to swing your hands AND hover at the same time. You can spin while doing a roll during flight, but apparently spinning while hovering with your hands sticking out with knives in them is ABSOLUTELY out of the question.

This brings me to the obvious conclusion that would fix this completely. Let Interceptors melee while hovering. Just create the animations for it. There's really no obvious reason it can't happen. This would also fix a big fundamental issue with the ultimate not working in situations it really should. There are times I jump and hover right up to a scar hunters face, or any enemy that's a single jumps distance in the air - but there is no melee string for hovering YET. Since this applies during my ultimate, I feel absurdly useless in various situations I shouldn't, because I cannot do anything.

This WOULD clash with one current thing that does happen - the really fancy falling spinning melee attack. The one that doesn't do anything until I hit the floor, that is.

Please, add in a melee string for hovering. Let the current falling attack be what happens whenever you are doing anything else but hovering in the air. Then the answer is simple - I just click hover a second time to turn it off and immediately press melee if I want to cancel into the falling attack as it is now. This already fits with the concept of the jump/dodge/hover canceling dynamic, so it seamlessly clicks with the melee aspect, which is something you already use it to position for.

This would fix the issue with the ultimate so it isn't just a gimmick in various situations compared to everyone else, let me detonate on airborne opponents properly, and let me be an exosuit ninja like I want to be. Which means I should be able to aerial juggle fools like Ninja Gaiden if I want to.

But, if there's one thing I would appreciate as well - please make the falling dagger spins have a small multiple strike hitbox as I fall next to or through things. If I position it perfectly so I falling spin directly through something, I should be able to detonate/damage it as I pass through it. Threading the needle like that requires a lot more precision than most things, please reward it. Falling directly through something in the air that's also high enough elevation that my landing slash doesn't hit so I did nothing but look fancy while I took a million damage instead sucks, especially when it looked like I ninja slashed through it.

If even one thing from all of this could be communicated clearly, the only thing I want more than anything in the full release is Hovering melee strings, because it would also work during the ultimate, and that alone would have a tremendous ripple effect on making everything better as an Interceptor pilot.

- With Love,
A Hopeful Interceptor Pilot

(P.S. - Seeker Glaive doesn't seek who the reticle was on when you fire it, it snaps to the nearest target. Prime example is firing it at a boss's weak spot only for it to drop like gravity into a random add on the ground. This really grinds my gears. Please advise.)

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about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by XIII-The-Death

While I have enjoyed the demo(s) as a way to further test (to still not get a single drop of Acid Grenade or Shadow Claw no matter how much farming I did) and flex the various abilities and items available to Interceptor, as it will definitively be the Javelin I play the game as...I'm a bit concerned about the lack of polish around a few key points.

Now, originally I was far more devastated - because with the current state of Spark Dash, Acid Spray, and the occasional time-slows-down-animation-then-never-hits-but-animation-locks Tempest Strike - I was kind of pissed. For those who don't know, Spark Dash is the only detonator for Assault slots on Interceptor, and in the demo build, it would not aim where your reticle is, it would fly wherever your Javelin was facing, has a horrible hitbox, and does really meh damage. The ability is listed to strike everyone in the path of your dash, but it would also just end at wherever it first made contact with, and the aoe is so small that your actual melee attacks hit wider. So there was no "path" you could use to strike through various enemies. With a name and description like that, I was expecting some light speed flash attack that would kill everything behind me after I passed through it. Profound disappointment.

Acid Spray is the same way. So in situations where I frontflip over a target and falling shotgun blast it's shields off, to land behind it and snap-turn my reticle to use Acid Spray, my Javelin would throw it where it was facing instead - meaning I was back to back with a mob and threw my cooldown out into thin air, doing nothing. Bonus points if the mob regenerated shields during the animation lock/recovery.

Tempest Strike has an issue where if you are on uneven elevations or fall into terrain while casting it, it would sometimes make me go into a matrix slow-mo in place while doing the kick, which the first couple times at least looks cool - until it finally comes out and usually does zero damage, meanwhile during the animation lock I cannot cancel or dash or anything, so sometimes I would legitimately die because I was being destroyed while stuck in this slow-mo.

I have at least heard good news that both Spark Dash and Acid Spray were "bugged", and that they properly aim where you are aiming the reticle instead of where your Javelin is facing in the current build, and is intended to do so for release. This helps tremendously, because this previous issues kind of broke the class. But experiencing them alongside other things helped me turn a critical eye to other aspects of Interceptor that were suffering, and a few key points still came out, so I'm going to express them here - both because I want to sound off to any other Interceptor Pilots if they felt the same way, to find out if I am just crazy or have high standards, and secondly because I want the game to deliver unto me the ideal fantasy I am THIS close to feeling while playing Interceptor - so I GUESS other people can reap the benefits of that too.

Wraith Strike is wack. It doesn't even hit the same target three times if there's no other targets. Wack animation, wack travel speed, wack damage, no effect. Doesn't even carry my aura during a combo. Please keep iterating on this. Possibly worst in slot ability in the game.

Before that, I would like to clarify the thing I DO love, that I feel the team nailed with Interceptor - specifically the mobility aspect. I love the multiple dash/jump/hover canceling. This is specifically the kind of nitty-gritty self control aspects that will keep me playing the class, because having granular self control like this really immerses me in combat. While some other things feel a little...late to the polish/iteration party, I can taste the attention paid to making the "feel" of the mobility for interceptor a key part of the experience, and so far, I can say with confidence you are succeeding. Whatever that is, I hope for more of it in future updates.

So, onto the concerns.

1 - A synergy crisis between primers and detonators within the class.

Currently, Spark Dash is the only detonator in the assault category, and Tempest Strike is the only one in the strike category.

The problem being all the assault category primers that combo with tempest strike, are ranged.

And the only primers in the strike category are melee range, which turns Spark Dash into a lengthy startup fake melee combo instead of using it's aspect as a gap closer. (Though if it passed through targets like it is described to do, this would feel less bleh.)

In the future, please offer more satisfying options that flow together properly, because trying to trigger combos with just my own ability systems feels crappy. I'm better off just spamming melee on everything. There's not a lot to work with that feels natural/ideal, except maybe bumming it with acid grenade and tempest strike. That's the ONLY one off the head that really flows. I understand that melee should be a go-to detonator, but that's no excuse to fail on delivering valid combo options for abilities, especially for ranged.

2 - "Aura" Combo Effect needing a bit more juice.

Currently, Aura requires me to aggressively get in melee range with things to utilize it properly. However, it barely lasts for any decent amount of time, and generally feels like a way less safe storm combo, which immediately spreads the effect on detonation. If anything, I also feel since it does an "over time" application of the element, the duration it lasts for should be longer for the sake of effectiveness. Another thing I notice is that it doesn't do much outright damage. If I'm going to be putting myself in the most danger to access the effect continuously, I feel like the least it can do is add the element directly to my melee strikes while increasing the damage a bit, because swinging elemental blades is always cool, and it makes sense with stacking ailment on what I am hitting, rather than being a stinky color cloud beating someone with pool noodles. EVERY other Javelin's combo effect is an immediate payoff you can then back away from, where as mine feels like more of a patch job, or barely justifying itself for the danger I put myself in. Freezing people over time while I melee them is nice, I guess, but that's just making me melee them for the sake of using melee on them since I'm doing it to freeze them over time. A storm could just do it immediately while shooting from safety. I'm not feeling the wombo part of the combo, nor do I feel like a melee specialist, since it is not actually enhancing my melee. Also, detonating from distance feels like shit because by the time I can even close the gap to try and gimp it out with my Aura, it's faded away. Big yuck. If it was attached to increasing the power and charging my blades with the element on top of the aoe ailment, it could hold the charge until I whack something, at least, because it would make sense.

As a side note, there are also several times when my melee completely fails to detonate even after whacking someone over 7 times, when they are clearly primed and I have not detonated in quite some time. Mixing it up with jump canceling into the falling slash etc to try and "reset" the games ability to recognize my trying to detonate doesn't fix it. Seems like a bug. When it happens, it makes the above design clash between primers and detonators feel even worse.

3 - My Javelin Ultimate being the only ultimate being completely defeated/negated by enemies 7 feet in the air or any enemy who can scale terrain. This completely disconnects me from the melee specialist fantasy, and I legitimately feel conned out of an ultimate in various, even average situations as a result. This doesn't happen with any other Javelin Ultimate. However, this ties into a major flaw in the "Melee Specialist" structure for Interceptor currently, so it's a layered issue.

Case in point. Hovering scar hunters, the boss we get to fight in the demo, any enemy on an elevation point, or a hovering valkyrie mob, you name it. If it can climb something, has great hang time and big hops, or a jetpack, then why does my ultimate even exist? I may as well start spamming emotes because I can't do jack shit, it's my true Achilles heel. APPARENTLY, despite all the massive technological advances made in the games universe, it is actually impossible to swing your hands AND hover at the same time. You can spin while doing a roll during flight, but apparently spinning while hovering with your hands sticking out with knives in them is ABSOLUTELY out of the question.

This brings me to the obvious conclusion that would fix this completely. Let Interceptors melee while hovering. Just create the animations for it. There's really no obvious reason it can't happen. This would also fix a big fundamental issue with the ultimate not working in situations it really should. There are times I jump and hover right up to a scar hunters face, or any enemy that's a single jumps distance in the air - but there is no melee string for hovering YET. Since this applies during my ultimate, I feel absurdly useless in various situations I shouldn't, because I cannot do anything.

This WOULD clash with one current thing that does happen - the really fancy falling spinning melee attack. The one that doesn't do anything until I hit the floor, that is.

Please, add in a melee string for hovering. Let the current falling attack be what happens whenever you are doing anything else but hovering in the air. Then the answer is simple - I just click hover a second time to turn it off and immediately press melee if I want to cancel into the falling attack as it is now. This already fits with the concept of the jump/dodge/hover canceling dynamic, so it seamlessly clicks with the melee aspect, which is something you already use it to position for.

This would fix the issue with the ultimate so it isn't just a gimmick in various situations compared to everyone else, let me detonate on airborne opponents properly, and let me be an exosuit ninja like I want to be. Which means I should be able to aerial juggle fools like Ninja Gaiden if I want to.

But, if there's one thing I would appreciate as well - please make the falling dagger spins have a small multiple strike hitbox as I fall next to or through things. If I position it perfectly so I falling spin directly through something, I should be able to detonate/damage it as I pass through it. Threading the needle like that requires a lot more precision than most things, please reward it. Falling directly through something in the air that's also high enough elevation that my landing slash doesn't hit so I did nothing but look fancy while I took a million damage instead sucks, especially when it looked like I ninja slashed through it.

If even one thing from all of this could be communicated clearly, the only thing I want more than anything in the full release is Hovering melee strings, because it would also work during the ultimate, and that alone would have a tremendous ripple effect on making everything better as an Interceptor pilot.

- With Love,
A Hopeful Interceptor Pilot

(P.S. - Seeker Glaive doesn't seek who the reticle was on when you fire it, it snaps to the nearest target. Prime example is firing it at a boss's weak spot only for it to drop like gravity into a random add on the ground. This really grinds my gears. Please advise.)

Hey this is great feedback! A lot of these points are things that we’ve also experienced internally have talked about. So let me jump right into what we have done and should be in for launch or very shortly after.

  1. Increased aura stack amount. (~3x the current amount). Reward wasn’t high enough for the risk.
  2. Added ticking damage to the aura (not a ton but just enough to spice it up as well as give you better feedback about when it’s ticking).
  3. Spark dash targeting for ground/air and air/ground. There were quite a few improvements we did since the demo to improve the overall usability of this one.
  4. Air-to-air melee attacks. This allows the Interceptor to more effectively and repeatedly hit enemies in air, especially in ultimate mode.
  5. The air to ground melee (spin) does have a continuous hit box so you hit multiple times on the way down. This hit box was slightly increased.

Things we may need to look at, but might be fixed (can’t remember between the all of builds at the moment).

  1. Tempest Strike air to melee animation. (Matrix mode).
  2. Spark Dash and Venom Spray targeting towards reticle rather than javelin facing. Pretty sure this was addressed but haven’t seen it specifically myself in action.

Things we haven’t addressed or talked about yet:

  1. Changing primers/detonators. We’ll continue to watch this one because I definitely understand what you’re saying, but with the changes to the aura we’d like to hold off on swapping up primary characteristics like this for gear until we need to.
  2. Wraith Strike (previously shadow claw). Need to review and potentially rebalance this one.

Ok! I think that’s it, hope that helps and clears up some concerns.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by yG6ll7

u/BioCamden u/BiowareBen u/BenIrvo

This is excellent Interceptor feedback, and hits every single little issue i had with the class.

I really do feel like the aura combo could use a buff, given that you need to get into melee range for this to have any sort of use.

Replied to the post! Thanks for the tag yG6II7!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by yG6ll7

Regarding the Aura stack amount, what exactly do you mean by this? Does each stack make it last longer, or does the ticks get stronger with each stack?

How quickly it applies the status effect to enemies.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Gohan_Son

Hi, on the topic of the Interceptor, I was wondering if it would be possible to allow the spark dash to be used outside of combat to allow for more player choice in different aspects of the game? It would allow for more mobility, the core aspect of this javelin, and adds another layer to this ability that doesn't do much damage. This way, you could decide whether you want to use it for extra distance or combat and it would open up more ways to escape as well as grant the ability more value for its slot.

Is this not possible? Thank you.

Hey Gohan, unfortunately not because for it to work we have to use our melee targeting system. I wish!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by XIII-The-Death

It does, much love, thank you for the detailed response. This really clears up basically any apprehensions I had and replaces it with H Y P E.

That also clears up why I could not ever get Shadow Claw to drop for me, since there was a chart listing it under that name. I thought it would be some super cool melee claw like Wolf's Side B in Smash, like a hefty melee version of Seeking Glaive or something...

I haven't been onboard for anything EA because of, and since, Dawngate, but I actually have faith in the team behind Anthem, enough to invest in a preorder. I'm very excited and I really look forward to being part of this experience, I can't wait to see what's coming. Cheers!


about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by w1czr1923

Just a bit more feedback if I may. I agree with the air melee as it makes things really frustrating when you activate your ultimate and are now relegated to only hitting enemies on the ground. Also the ability targeting direction is a bit annoying as some abilities target where your reticle is and others where you're facing so it's not consistent.

I feel that the javelin feels a bit clunky at times. Following a melee string specifically, theres a ton of waiting to activate abilities and if we could use abilities to cancel melee strings it would serve as a much needed momentum buff. Currently it feels as if the melee holds priority over everything and for a javelin with a very bursty in and out style, the clunky aspect of this is a bit frustrating when trying to do this with bigger groups of enemies. I really love the idea of the javelin but being stuck in an animation lock for extended periods of time before i can venom spray or cryo glaive for example feels like the ability is non responsive. I have gotten used to it but it would be a pretty cool change imo.

One thing I'd experienced a decent amount was clipping. As an interceptor, I clipped into tons of areas in the stronghold and had to leave the activity a number of times due to falling through the map or getting stuck in map geometry and being unable to move.

I really like the animation canceling and propulsion things you can do with the javelin and after playing it a ton this weekend I would love to main it but it does currently feel clunky with melee strings prioritized and targeting feeling off . I also think a melee lock on would be helpful here.

Finally please...pleasee add an indicator for dash charges. Anywhere. On the suit. In a separate ui element. Just anywhere. It would just provide extra movement information .

Dunno if you'll read this but just my thoughts after a ton of hours on it over the last few weekends. Thanks!

Hey w1cze1923 thanks for writing this up. Yeah we could potentially take a look at the windows where you can exit out of animations to sharpen them up, but we don’t have plans to do this at the moment.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by osunightfall

The stack increase sounds very interesting. Could this make interceptor the best javelin in the game at applying debuffs to stubborn bosses, if you manage to hug them without dying?

I believe so yes, that the overall amount of primer applied would be higher than anything else if you stayed in range the entire time.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Xdivine

Considering the assault systems is ranged focused and the strike system is melee focused, is it not strange that spark dash is in assault and plasma stars is in strike? I feel like it would make way more sense if these were swapped.

Then you can make searching glaive a detonator which would be nice since interceptor currently has the fewest detonators of all the javelins.

Sort of, but we also wanted you to be able to gap close into your melee gear pieces too.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Jonny_AN

Would it also be possible to get an option to hold down the melee button to continue the melee chain until the button is released?

With having no cooldown on melee that's a hell of a lot of spamming the melee button

Sounds like a good idea. If we get enough feedback on this we’ll take a look!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by NicePretender

Colossus taunt toward reticle would be nice too. I've taunted open space so many times because I've run away a bit and not turned back around

Yeah I have definitely taunted walls of caves...

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Nestroit

secondary: yeah please take a look at all the abilities, I will probably run an acid grenade and detonating strike combo, I think this is going to be the strongest combo. The explosion of the detonating strike is MASSIVE, the tempest strike pales in comparison.

Yeaaaah detonating strike is crazy good for AoE. Tempest is much better for single target.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Nestroit

Is there a reason why we can't fly during the ultimate attack? I mean the timer is the same, it would solve the problem of not being able to hit targets in the air. It's an odd design choice that ironically you are the least mobile when you are ulting.

We’ve gone back and forth on that. Probably something we will talk about again.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Mind-Game

I'm a little scared that you guys seem to be addressing the balance of the game due to feedback from a limited demo like this. I hope that you guys are only making changes that you recognize from your internal build, because the demo is extremely limiting for the following reasons:

  • It's mid level content so the power levels at end game are probably completely different

  • a lot of people don't even have access to all of their skills let alone have enough time to have tried them out and properly build around them

  • 4 days total playtime is not nearly enough to understand what roles are best for each javalin and how to build for those roles

  • gear is completely broken with almost no random inscription stats being meaningful (where as in the final game they're clearly very powerful).

  • no powerful gear rarity levels are even unlocked let alone obtained in such a short play time

  • most people are playing on normal difficulty and expecting to trivially bust though the game blowing everything up and expecting balance based on that. Only you guys really know what the pacing is supposed to be assuming an appropriately geared and synergized group.

Because of this, it's really concerning that your responses are "we hear you guys and we're making changes!" Instead of "the balance at mid level with low pilot skill, group synergy, and gear isn't really relevant to what you'll exeprience in the release version".

The changes I mentioned were mostly kicked off from internal balance testing, user experience testing, game changer feedback, and internal Alpha testing. Just so happened that a lot of it lined up with feedback folks had from the demo.

Not only that but feedback about how something functions is usually still valid too. But yes you’re right that balance feedback shouldn’t be at a glimpse or a snapshot of content.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by ODTray

Do our combos generate less Ultimate Meter than other classes because we only get 1 combo per 10 seconds at best while other classes can combo many times on groups of enemies to refresh their ultimate faster?

I’m not sure, but theoretically that may be the case at least versus Storm and Colossus. I’ll bring it up with the team.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Sunnycyde

Didn't you just say above that air to air melee had been changed especially with ultimate? I'm confused. See below

  1. Air-to-air melee attacks. This allows the Interceptor to more effectively and repeatedly hit enemies in air, especially in ultimate mode.

Right the air-to-air melee is done by jumping and melee’ing or falling and melee’ing. We have not added flight to the Interceptor Ult.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Nestroit

Thank you for the quick response. Can't wait to see how strong my interceptor will become in the end(game), I know that the demo version is the low point and everything will be better and many things are going to be fixed. Looking forward for new abilities as well to keep the builds/javelins fresh, but I guess that's 6 months to 1 year away?!

Hey Nestroit! Yeah lots of things planned and in the works for javelins. Not sure about timelines yet but we’ll keep y’all updated.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Kamoedesu

Is there any way we can possibly get some sort of ground-to-air ability to use as well? Possibly in the form of a Strike system that launches enemies and yourself into the air to set them up for an air-to-air then air-to-ground melee combo for a quick burst of single target CC damage.

Nothing planned for that currently, but that could be awesome. We’d have to see what work would be needed to support that type of system.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by grebolexa

"Air-to-air melee attacks. This allows the Interceptor to more effectively and repeatedly hit enemies in air, especially in ultimate mode." Does that mean that the air-melee cancel speed jump is removed? https://www.reddit.com/r/AnthemTheGame/comments/ameypx/psa_interceptor_things_interrupting_your_melee/?ref=share&ref_source=link

Not currently, but that is probably something that we’ll need to fix unfortunately. Reasoning being that there are certain vertical and horizontal streaming limits in place to improve performance. This is definitely going past our streaming metrics, as fun as it is.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by InconspicuousBeetle

What about a hover?

No hover melee available currently.