about 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Originally posted by Im_Working_Right_Now

Can we get a brighter or bigger flashlight when going into water or caverns? Maybe one we can toggle? It could be mounted as a small headlight on the javelin?

Edit: After playing some more I really want some attention to this because low light areas are a pain to navigate. /u/BenIrvo /u/BioCamden

I believe this is improved since the demo also

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Im_Working_Right_Now

Can we get a brighter or bigger flashlight when going into water or caverns? Maybe one we can toggle? It could be mounted as a small headlight on the javelin?

Edit: After playing some more I really want some attention to this because low light areas are a pain to navigate. /u/BenIrvo /u/BioCamden

So part of it is certainly the brightness but there is ambient/creature light that is supposed to help guide you, you have to know what to look for there though.

But to the other point, swimming controls was just not great. We have improved this with the controls update Ben posted yesterday which helps navigating these a lot. We’ll keep an eye on this though.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Im_Working_Right_Now

I get that for swimming, but I’m also talking all low light areas. For instance, in the stronghold, when trying to fly through the tunnels, it’s hard to see when a turn is coming. Unless that’s the design intent to make you walk instead?

Oh hrm which platform are you playing on?

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Im_Working_Right_Now

Xbox. Was playing with my buddy and he had the same issue. Even a few squad members hit the wall on a tight turn because you can’t see the turn. It’s the first tunnel with the mines. Like I said, maybe the intent wasn’t to fly through it and actually walk? Hence the mines? I just think a small shoulder or chest mounted flashlight would help a lot with visibility in dark places.

Yeah each javelin does have a headlamp, but overall I have seen feedback on PS4 and Xbox that brightness in some areas is a problem. I’ll pass this one on.