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In the keybind menu you see that switch weapons is bound to TAB and 1 and 2 respectively. However switch weapons is also bound to mouse wheel... I rebound my evade to mouse wheel, and now when I hit evade it ALSO switches my weapons every time. Please allow me to unbind mouse wheel for switch weapons as I use this keybind extensively due to ergonomic issues.

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about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

This is definitely not intended. We’ll take a look. Thanks chaimer123!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by udderjudder

u/BioCamden Please also allow us to bind Left-Alt in game. The only way to do it now is by editing the config file.


As a temp solution to anyone having issues rebinding scroll wheel: If your scroll wheel still swaps weapon even after binding it to something else, it's because the config file somehow has more than 2 entries for that particular action. Rebinding in-game will only overwrite the last two entries in the file, keeping the default.

To fix this you need to exit the game, then edit your config file which is named: ProfileOptions_profile and is located here: %userprofile%\Documents\BioWare\AnthemDemo\settings. Make a backup of the file so you can revert the changes if needed.

To find your weapon swap, search the file for the string ConceptSwitchWeapons. Each key-bind has 6 lines associated with it and your file will most likely have 18 lines containing that string. Replace all those lines with these 12:

GstKeyBinding.Keybindings.ConceptSwitchWeapons.0.axis 24
GstKeyBinding.Keybindings.ConceptSwitchWeapons.0.button 6
GstKeyBinding.Keybindings.ConceptSwitchWeapons.0.mapping 0
GstKeyBinding.Keybindings.ConceptSwitchWeapons.0.mod 0
GstKeyBinding.Keybindings.ConceptSwitchWeapons.0.negate 0
GstKeyBinding.Keybindings.ConceptSwitchWeapons.0.type 1
GstKeyBinding.Keybindings.ConceptSwitchWeapons.1.axis 0
GstKeyBinding.Keybindings.ConceptSwitchWeapons.1.button 5
GstKeyBinding.Keybindings.ConceptSwitchWeapons.1.mapping 1
GstKeyBinding.Keybindings.ConceptSwitchWeapons.1.mod 255
GstKeyBinding.Keybindings.ConceptSwitchWeapons.1.negate 0
GstKeyBinding.Keybindings.ConceptSwitchWeapons.1.type 2

This has now removed the persistent scroll wheel entry and has reset your weapon swap to the number 4 (¤) on your keyboard. Save the file, start your game and change your keybinds as you want them.

(¤) The config file uses IBM scan codes, so ConceptSwitchWeapons.1.button 5 from my example above refers to the number 4 on your keyboard. LeftAlt = 56 if anyone needs to bind that. (For anyone wanting to dive deeper, axis 0 = keyboard, axis 13 = mouse)

Yeah binding to Alt is a bug we have currently. We’re working on it. Thank you for detailed walkthrough to help other folks.