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Anthem Open Demo: Bugs, Errors, & Issues Megathread [Day 1]

It's another demo weekend, Freelancers!

This Megathread will serve as a place to discuss bugs, errors, and issues. These can include: crashes to the desktop, game freezes when doing something, issues loading the game, animation errors, cutscene freezes, etc. We will redirect the majority of relevant threads to this megathread.

They do not include issues with the Storm being overpowered, the Colossus being too weak, weak loot dropping from bosses, etc. Those should go into the Anthem Open Demo: Discussion & Feedback Megathread along with any other feedback or discussion about the actual game itself.

Exceptions to the Active Megathread Clause can be granted on a case-by-case basis for posts including high quality discussion threads, PSAs, guides, informative suggestions, and some satire.

For those of you coming back from the VIP Demo, please review these updates from BioWare.

An Update from Chad Robertson, Head of Live Service which discusses potential issues that have already been fixed in the launch build. He also mentions their server status page. In another blog post, Chad Robertson also summarized the VIP demo weekend.

Don't forget, VIP players who're returning: You have access to all four Javelins during the Open Demo.

Also, there's been some confusion about the longevity concerning the Open Demo. It is still running from February 1st to February 3rd, according to several sources.

We would also like to take this opportunity to remind everyone of the subreddit's policy on spoilers, which you can find here. We understand the hype will be at maximum levels over the weekend but still please follow our rules, be excellent to each other, and enjoy the game.

See you out there, Freelancers!

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about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Defektivex

/u/BioWareJer you or someone on your team may be interested in this. Always welcome to provide more detail as needed.

It may be trying to control them as an output device, but that does sound weird. Try turning your VoIP settings on, set output device after booting the game, and make sure headphone and stereo are selected in the in game options. Let me know if any of that works! We can keep trying.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Defektivex

I tested the following:

VOIP Setting Headphone/Stereo Outcome
On Headphone No audio
On Stereo No audio
Off Headphone No audio
Off Stereo No audio

Additionally, I also confirmed my PC settings were set to ensure my headphones are both the primary input and output device. I also tested the audio prior to opening the game.

Hrm. It could be origin actually, the point below is interesting because it turns off when you connect to the servers, which would make sense.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Elprede007

I want to just add here and say that VOIP seems to work for some people, but no one can hear me, and my friends couldn't hear some people we were in a squad with. I have VOIP enabled and all the settings look fine, but I can't communicate with teammates and they can't communicate with me.


about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Elprede007


PTT set?

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Defektivex

I believe I have narrowed down the problem.

But first: I reviewed the Origin settings and confirmed they were appropriately set to my Wireless headphones prior to launching the game. However, the Origin settings had no real effect on the audio issues.

Audio only seems to cut out, and remain cut out on the initial load into Fort Tarsis when entering the game the first time.

Temporary solution:

  1. Enter Freeplay or a mission of some kind (anywhere but Fort Tarsis).
  2. Restart the headphone (on/off, didn't need any wait time)
  3. Result: I now produce audio permanently.

Additional notes:

Once audio begins working, If I LEAVE freeplay, I still maintain my audio.

At this time I don't believe Origin is causing the issue, but the initial instantiation of the user entering the application and connecting to an appropriate game server.

Thanks for the detailed writeup. We will try to reproduce locally.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Mutts_e

Hi just created this account to notify that i am also having the same issue with this particular set of headset that the op mentioned. the sound cuts off at the connection screen /u/BioWareJer

Thank you, looking into it!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Elprede007

PTT set to T (default) tried to set it to PGUP, which also didn’t work. And of course PTT is enabled.

Can you verify your audio output settings? Check to make sure that during Anthem gameplay your microphone is receiving signal?

Sorry hard to debug on Reddit :)

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by HadoukenYourFace

/u/BiowareJer / /u/BioCamden / /u/BiowareBen


Mousewheel remains bound to weapon-switch even if bound to another function.


When user rebinds the mwheelup AND/OR mwheeldown key to a function, it still continues to behave with default functionality: switching weapons.


  1. In game, bind mwheelup to Evade
  2. In game, bind mwheeldown to Evade
  3. Ensure Switch Weapons is NOT bound to mwheelup AND/OR mwheeldown
  4. Choose Ranger Javelin
  5. Launch Freeplay
  6. Scroll up or down on mousewheel

You'll observe that the Ranger does evade, as expected. You will also observe that the Ranger will also switch weapons, despite Switch Weapons NOT being bound to mwheel.

Hey Hadouken thanks for the report! This is something we’re looking into already. Great bug report and repro steps.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Elprede007

Can you clarify what you mean when you say audio output settings? Are we talking about Windows settings? I’m not sure how to verify that my microphone is receiving signal in game. When I talk there is no visual indication that I am using PTT.

In Anthem there’s no option to select output devices, but in Windows my Default Microphone is my only mic.

Voip - On Voip Activation - PTT Voip Volume - 100% Voip Silence Threshold - 72%

I’m happy to help, I’m just not sure what you need.

Have you tested it in origin?

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Elprede007

Again, unclear. Tested what? VoIP works in other Origin games like Battlefield 1.

Being able to select Inputs and Outputs in game would be a step towards troubleshooting..

Ok that actually helps. I need to check if origin saves that info per game or not. Will loop back!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by HadoukenYourFace

I just wanted to point out that this issue still exists.

Yes this is still something we’re looking into. It was not fixed I the recent patches.