about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Von_Dooms

Wow, I can't even play the game and I am getting down voted? I am happy to report that I was able to cancel my preorder. Talked to 3 EA Advisors, no one helped me get past the title screen Spent hours wasting my time. stronger together with the down votes, right /u/BioCamden ?

Hey Von, sorry that you had this experience. There have been various login and connection issues that for a large number of folks have been resolved. The updates to those problems are being tracked here (https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion/ANTHEM-VIP-Demo-Latest-Updates/td-p/7377294).

I wish you luck in the future and I'm sorry the demo didn't meet your expectations.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by zach_08

Hey Zach, I believe Customer Experience needs to assist with that one. Can you try loading their web hat service in another browser? They should be able to help you get in.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by zach_08

No luck with Firefox either, this is how it gets stuck in all of them: https://imgur.com/a/gfxhnJo

Ok last idea I’ve got. Open up a private window (Ctrl-shift-n) and navigate to the same page there.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by zach_08

Unfortunately EA support was not helpful at all and gave me a nice "Sorry nothing can be done"

I’m sorry Zach, I’m not sure what’s causing that error. I hope this didn’t dishearten you too much. I also hope you come back next weekend for the open demo.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Moday4512

Hey Camden, just want to report that setting PC clock to auto does not work. I still hit 95% every time no matter what, and if I bring in friends it affects them too. Fresh installs and rejoining does not work either.

Thanks for the additional info Moday. I imagine we’ll continue looking into this throughout the week before next weekend. Hopefully we will get it resolved.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by agonyou

u/BioCamden btw. Thanks for the javelins and listening to all the feedback. I know Anthem is going to get there!

I will be back for next weekend but I do hope we get an updated demo download too if some of these are version 0.0.0 related.

PSN: Captain_Agony Xbox: Capt Agony


See ya next weekend Austin!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by agonyou

You bet! Would love to continue giving feedback however I can.

I’m also a solutions engineer for a DB company. Would love to better understand how your data flows, post launch.

We helped Pokémon Go launch and it’s doing quite well now, so I always like to ask companies about the games I like to play.

Anything that can make things go faster only helps us all in the community!

Take care and here’s to a great launch.


That’s awesome! My family and I love Pokémon Go. Yeah continued feedback would be great. For now I am primarily getting it here in this subreddit but if we stand something else up for feedback I’ll let y’all know.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by ManiacalGinger

u/BioCamden I believe I’ve found a cause of 95% loading. My total freezing occurred directly after I tried to replay a mission grouped with my friend in squad. Keep trying to make a separate post but it’s being deleted.

My EA account is Maniacal_Ginger if you would like to take a look at its state / account details.

In a nutshell: playing fine , I complete all missions on my own> squad up and play dungeon fine, > attempt to assist friend with mission and suddenly I can’t log in for the rest of the demo. Definitely seems a big coincidence. I’d wager good money this is one cause of 95% freezing!!

I went from being able to play fairly reliably to not at all. I suspect something altered my account state so it couldn’t reload into a new expedition. Can you please confirm you’ve seen this :)

Hey ManiacalGinger, thank you for the additional info that is awesome. Unfortunately I don't have access to the tools necessary to look into specific accounts. That being said I know the team is actively looking into this now. Not sure if there's a good eta or identified fix yet.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Sonks_92

As much as you and the other BW people are trying to help, a lot of the problems are coming from EA’s customer service. For me, I was able to get a new code generated as I applied it to the wrong account. Someone else with the same issue didn’t get the same treatment and was told that nothing could be done.

I know it’s too late but EA need to have words with their employees so everyone gets the same treatment and aren’t palmed off when issues like this arise. It would probably stop an influx of people asking you guys to sort the problem too. Giving you more time to do other things. Just saying.

That’s a good point Sonks thanks for the heads up. I’ll pass the feedback on to them.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by CourteousSmith

u/Biocamden I made a post previously in the day 1 thread, I just had some feedback as an interceptor main.

Venom spray should be executed based on where you are looking not where the javelin is.

Spark dash shouldn't be solely a targeted ability, I should be able to turn around and use the gear to evade or get to my team quicker.

This one more than likely is a stretch for me, but it would enhance my gameplay experience if the wraith strike could carry the combo aura to apply status effects from a range or while evading.

Cluster mine should detonate after hitting an enemy not just over them being walked over.

Regardless of these notes, it was a fantastic fantastic demo beyond the issues that happened. I am looking so forward to full release and open demo.

Thanks so much for the feedback Courteous! I really appreciate the functionality concerns you had for Spark Dash and Venom Spray. Spark Dash does require a target and would take significant work to revamp. I sent myself a note for Venom Spray, I’ll see if we can take a look at that one.

So for Wraith strike do you feel like it needs a little more flair or oomph to it to be more impactful? Could this be achieved through better balancing? It’s definitely a cool idea, just no idea if it’s even possible.

I think for Cluster Mine we actually had gone back and forth on this one and this was seen as a little better because it makes it more of a spread/AoE rather than having them all detonate on the single target.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by agonyou

Last question. There is a discord server setup is this only for devs/beta/demo?

Hey Agonyou, I’m actually not familiar with the Discord. Was it an official one? I may be out of the loop.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Sonks_92

Thank you for the acknowledgement. I just want to say you guys at BW are doing a great job, it’s refreshing. 😊


about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by CourteousSmith

I personally love the feel of wraith strike, it looks amazing. I just saw it more of an extension of the javelin so that's why I thought itd be cool if it could carry the aura. Like you said u/Biocamden if it even is possible it would just give more opportunities for the interceptor to be efficient in late game play. Cause if the stats are true for GM 3 it's a death wish to run up in a crowd of enemies as the speedy boi javelin. These were really my suggestions, I just felt Spark dash can be utilized more so if it had that effect of being an evasion maneuver plus I noticed it cant be used vertically? Not certain why.

I'll just have to practice with the cluster mine to get the full feel of its effects.

I just felt there wasnt a lot of combo capabilities as the inty, most of the gear just do a base damage instead of status effects or impact. (This is mostly in consideration to solo play) when you are with a team however you can get combos left and right. I've love the look and feel of this javelin playing and seeing it played. It was just these thoughts that came to me to get that extra in depth play for this jav specifically. All in all I'm pumped for all of this game, I just dont want to be stuck with the minimal gear cause of functionality

Yeah makes sense and thanks for the follow-up. Wraith strike is one of my favorite abilities in terms of look and feel. If it ends up not being useful enough or balanced we do have plans to regularly review gear after launch.

The Interceptor definitely does have a lot of team potential, if this ends up being problematic for solo play we may revisit but we’d want more data first. So keep playing! :D

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by thesia

I had a question /u/BioCamden or any other bioware dev as I haven't yet found it.

Will the open beta have a fix for the 95% loading bug on console. I ask because I saw somewhere it is possibly a client side bug, and consoles require certification which may prevent it from being fixed timely. I'm worried that if my friends playing the open beta have to deal with that bug they'll get frustrated with the game, leaving me with no one to play with when it fully releases.

I’m unfortunately not certain thesia. I expect Gamble or Darrah May have updates on that. Stay tuned on Twitter.

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by Nickftw3

Respawn mechanic could use some work. It would almost work better to give us a 30 second timer to spawn after if teammates can’t get to us in time. And then in harder difficulties and strongholds, modify the timer to be longer or disabled completely. The current system definitely needs work though. You get stuck with the wrong team and you sit there dead for an entire expedition. Or sit there for 2-5 minutes waiting to be revived. Or drown underwater and die and be stuck there the rest of the mission due to your team moving ahead.

Yeah, we're talking a bit about this right now - it's not quite hitting the mark. Thanks for bringing it up! 😊

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by HeartySalmon

u/biocamden If anyone is still looking at this thread - I had something happen that I'm not sure I've seen mentioned (apologies if it has). After running the Stronghold with friends, they left and I switched Javs and hopped into Freeplay with randos. When I ended the expedition, the victory screen showed my Javelin and friends from the previous Stronghold and not the current Javelin I had equipped.

Yeah I had that happen to me, I’m not sure what might be causing that one. Thanks hearty!

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by RelativeStatement

I'm sure this was a latency issue but wanted to share a quick video of something I experienced. Absolutely love this game by the way.

Anthem VIP demo https://imgur.com/a/NTokyAV

Yep, known bug (and I think fixed already as well) - your streaming effectively got "stuck". 🙁

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by scherling

A squad does not seem to have the option to vote/kick a player if he/she is afk or crashed.

Threre is also no option to give some one else the leadership of a squad

Squad leadership is supposed to migrate automatically, I believe we also have a feature in the backlog to allow people to pass it manually. I'll make sure there's a bug on this - thanks for mentioning it! 😊