about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by ThorsonWong

It's the Legendary enemies. Everything else is, on Hard, reasonably tanky, especially when you factor in combos (both solo and team comboing), but the legendaries regen their shields if you so much as take a breather from your rotation. Not sure if this is a bug, server issue causing NPCs to speed up their behaviours, or an intentional design decision.

u/BioCamden u/BiowareBen and u/BenIrvo might be able to fill us in, assuming they don't have their hands full with the rest of the forums!

Hey! I think I mentioned this somewhere today but yes we agree. We actually took another balance pass on this specific thing over the last few days and made adjustments to shields for enemies, mostly elites and legendaries. Looking at you Outlaw Ranger. These changes won’t make it into the demo unfortunately.

As for the shield regen cooldown and how quickly they refill, we’re going to review those after we see the shield value changes live for a bit. Didn’t want to turn more than one dial at a time in this case.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by ThorsonWong

I... I wasn't expecting a reply at all. I had figured I'd throw out a tag but there were more pressing issues to be touched on.

All I've gotta say is... Holy shit, my dude, y'all are on a roll. I don't know how you do it, but your replies (all of the Bioware staff on here) and the openness of communication is greatly appreciated. Keep up the fantastic work!

Haha no problem. We try to reply to as many as we can. Thanks Thorson, appreciate the kind words.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Alizaea

Hey Camden, nice seeing you continuing your replying lol. You are a replying machine :P But anyways, just thought I would ask since I personally see it happen a lot, but on average how many times do y'all get tagged a day? lol, I bet it is insanely high, just kinda wondering at a look into the inbox of a Bioware reddit box lol. Thanks again for all the hard work y'all have been putting in, and honestly can't wait for y'alls surprise y'all have in store for us later today.

Hey Alizaea! :) I usually get about 25 replies, 2-5 direct messages, and ~10 tags in my inbox per day. I try to stay in top of them all, I’d say I reply to 80% of them. Im just hoping that doesn’t like... triple after launch or I may not be able to keep up haha.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by jprava

Didn’t want to turn more than one dial at a time in this case

Perfect. Changes one by one, specially if you keep this fantastic pace, are all that is needed.

I always make the (somewhat Texan) analogy that it’s like smoking brisket. When you are trying to fine tune a new smoke, you can’t change two or three things at a time because then you might spend 12-18 hours and it comes out terrible and you may not know what caused it. One thing at a time!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Alizaea

Haha, well thats not as bad as what I thought, but still, that just compounds on y'alls already busy schedule. Hopefully things die down a little bit on y'alls end after launch, though I understand post launch takes a metric shit ton of resources as well. Hopefully it dies down a little just in case reddit does triple or something. Just remember, y;all are doing y'alls best and that is all we could ever ask :)


about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Wellhellob

Shield regen cooldown fine imo. It's a nice challenge. But their shields ridiculously strong. You already can't crit or combo against it. Making shield high kills the fun. Less shield/more hp would be much better. Yellow hp enemies much more fun to kill due to high hp without shield.

My second complaint is combo damage. We can't see it. Combo floaty masks it or it's hidden. I think big damage numbers is satisfying. I should see the high damage number specially when i play ranger because it has high single target combo damage.

Yeah we’d worked on showing combo floaties but it was quite a problem to solve. We may take another crack at that one.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Veldrane_Agaroth

Legendary outlaw is a bitch but it feels so damn good to get him down.
There is also an encounter in Valley of honor with 3 Ranger and 2 Storm which is probably even harder but beatable solo if you manage to separate them : proudest moment of the beta when I first managed to do it.

Hell yeah that fight is fun. We just want to streamline these a little bit so it’s more empowering and less run/hide/separate kind of thing.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Pwnaholic

Dammit Camden. I'll always love you, my dude. Hope to find my way into your free play session some day.

Star-crossed lovers destined never to meet. Hahaha

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by DemonikFaith

Just show the damage from the combo as yellow text? Is that possible?

It’s slightly more complicated than that on the back side but yeah I think that might be the idea (I’m no designer though).

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by JohnLocke815

totally off topic, but quick question...

in the E3 video we saw players earning Exp for discovering new areas of the map. this is not in the demo, will it be in the full game?

Not sure, I don’t recall seeing that myself but I could be wrong.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Kerrag3

That is the one thing that sets this game apart from other Looter shooters (who will not be named.) You guys actually make the player feel powerful and it isn't like a steamroll onto enemies, if you run in stupid on hard mode you will die, but you don't make us feel weak to the point where you don't second guess what you can take solo or what needs an ultimate to burst down. This is a breath of fresh air.

That’s a very important part of our balance targets. To your point, if you dive in to some hard stronghold engagements way above your level and gear... well we really shouldn’t balance to that. But if you are playing to your power level, pilot level, and player skill we want it to feel engaging and rewarding and challenging. Should be a mix between offense and defensive (evading), cooperating with teammates, and using your entire arsenal.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Menirz

That's a great philosophy to work with! Coming from a hardware testing background, the only times we ever (intentionally) changed more than one variable at a time was when we knew with 90% certainty that changing X would result in Y (usually from physics it other analysis).

It might seem like it takes longer, especially if there's a lot of iterations before getting it perfect, but vi usually found taking the time to do it right the first time is quicker than rushing, messing up, and having to scramble to fix the change and the initial issue.

I hope this "one change at a time" philosophy carries into balancing, since the thing I hate about Destiny balance is something will go from overpowered to completely useless due to them changing to many dials at once and not touching it again for months or years. Nova Warp getting the most recent example...

Yes that’s the idea, and is what we have been doing internally for balance testing. Like you said it can seem slow in that way but we want to make sure we do it right.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Biggy_DX

Hey Camden. Have you guys ever considered adding affix modifiers to enemies so that they behave differently (similar to Diablo and other isometric loot-games)? For example, Diablo has a enemy modifier called Health Link on elite enemies that causes other elite enemies to share the same health pool.

Could add more variety to the game. It could also be a good way to balance both enemy damage and health gains per difficulty.

Cool idea :) I like it.