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Some of you have been asking about more details when it comes to our Alliance System, Guilds and general awards for playing together. We believe Anthem is a game best played with friends and to make that experience awesome, we need to have social systems to make playing with friends easier.

With that in mind, I figured I would drop in here and offer up some extra details on what that experience will look like at launch and beyond.

The Alliance System – “What is That & How Does it Work?”

The Alliance system is a way for you and your friends to be rewarded for playing the game. Anytime you complete an expedition (Mission, Contract, Freeplay, Stronghold) you earn experience. That experience also goes into the Alliance system. Even better, the experience from the OTHER people in your group also goes into the alliance system. Even better STILL, players on your friends list who play without you - THEIR experience also goes into the Alliance System.

At the end of every week, you are awarded Coin (our in-game earned currency, used to purchase various items throughout the game) based on how much experience was contributed to the Alliance System. There are several tiers you can work through each week as well as a weekly cap. We want to encourage players to form friendships and play together and we’ve created the Alliance System to do just that!

Guilds – “What About Those?”

The short answer is, Guilds will not be available at launch. While we believe the Alliance System is a great way to encourage social interaction with Anthem, we also understand Guilds play a critical role in helping players form organized groups with people of similar interests and play styles. Our goal is to release guilds as soon after launch as we can. Details on timing will come as soon as we have our plan locked in. We want this to be awesome.

Thank you all for being a part of this awesome community. I hope you’re all enjoying our Open Demo. More soon!



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about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by NotHere001

So if i am a solo player without friends on origin, am i screwed?

Not at all! We also reward you for playing with anyone else ('randoms'). This is represented by one bucket, which would take the place of a slot a friend would fill.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by ZaedricR

Can you clarify what you mean by people on my friendslist playing without me? Does that mean the more people on my friendslist who play anthem, the more coin I get each week?

No - we only count the top 5 friends each week. There is no benefit to piling up your friend list other than having lots of people to play with.

So how it works is:

You play the game with or with your friends.

Your friends play the game with or without you.

You are earning progress through the Alliance system as you play, and building a bigger and bigger bucket as you progress through the different tiers of the system.

As your friends play, they are filling that bucket with their own xp (plus a large bonus for being your friend).

At the end of the week, we tally the top 5 contributors to your Alliance and you are awarded based on how much they filled the bucket you created.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by The_Rick_14

I thought I heard it only counts your Top 5 friends.

This is correct!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by ralinsilver

@ u/BenIrvo and Bioware team: Is there a way to friend a person in game? I can't seem to find a way to do it.

You can send a friend request to someone you are on an expedition with via the Social menu. At launch, in the social hub, you can also interact with that person to bring up Social Tools and invite them.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by oxaceox

For console players, will our chosen consoles friends list count towards the alliance? Or do we need to add players through the game for this work?

Yes, we're using your PSN/Xbox/Origin friend list.

about 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Originally posted by BenIrvo


Some of you have been asking about more details when it comes to our Alliance System, Guilds and general awards for playing together. We believe Anthem is a game best played with friends and to make that experience awesome, we need to have social systems to make playing with friends easier.

With that in mind, I figured I would drop in here and offer up some extra details on what that experience will look like at launch and beyond.

The Alliance System – “What is That & How Does it Work?”

The Alliance system is a way for you and your friends to be rewarded for playing the game. Anytime you complete an expedition (Mission, Contract, Freeplay, Stronghold) you earn experience. That experience also goes into the Alliance system. Even better, the experience from the OTHER people in your group also goes into the alliance system. Even better STILL, players on your friends list who play without you - THEIR experience also goes into the Alliance System.

At the end of every week, you are awarded Coin (our in-game earned currency, used to purchase various items throughout the game) based on how much experience was contributed to the Alliance System. There are several tiers you can work through each week as well as a weekly cap. We want to encourage players to form friendships and play together and we’ve created the Alliance System to do just that!

Guilds – “What About Those?”

The short answer is, Guilds will not be available at launch. While we believe the Alliance System is a great way to encourage social interaction with Anthem, we also understand Guilds play a critical role in helping players form organized groups with people of similar interests and play styles. Our goal is to release guilds as soon after launch as we can. Details on timing will come as soon as we have our plan locked in. We want this to be awesome.

Thank you all for being a part of this awesome community. I hope you’re all enjoying our Open Demo. More soon!



You all are in good hands with Chris Schmidt, I’ll bow out of this thread for now :)

about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by Raide042

My whole 3 people on my friends list. I've had this Xbox acct since the original Xbox days and I have a total of 3 friends and one of those is my wife and she will never play anthem. Hooray

The 4th scorer can be the 'everyone else' bucket that random people you have played with fill. So you would be one short of maximizing your top 5. I'm sure a kind Freelancer from this community can fill that last slot!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by Ursidoenix

Does the xp I get from my 5 top friends only include the xp that they directly contribute to their "alliance bucket" or does it also include the xp that they get from the other people in their expeditions and strongholds and such?

Also, if one of my top 5 friends is in an expedition with me, does that mean that the xp they earn in that expedition is counted twice towards my total alliance xp? Meaning the xp they earn in the expedition with me is added to my own bucket both when the expedition ends and when its added at the end of the week?

It includes the xp they get from the other people in their expeditions.

Your alliance xp is the same as the expedition xp you get from all members of the group, friend or not. After the expedition, a bonus is applied to the amount your friend got, which is then applied to their contribution to you for the week.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by jcore294

Will it also use an internal game friends list?

No. We have a Favorites list which you add people you had fun playing with to without the 'commitment' of being friends (which requires a request and an accept). The Favorites list is just a one-way relationship.

The 'Friends' list in Anthem is a mirror of your platform's friend list.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by DEVIIL07

Wouldn’t piling your friends list technically be beneficial because you would then have a larger pool of players for your Top 5 to choose from? Since, of course, you’re wanting the 5 highest possible contributors to go towards your weekly pool.

Only if they are actively playing the game ;)

about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by JustMy2Centences

Can we see who our top 5 are?

Absolutely! You can check the current status at any time.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by SquirrelTeamSix

Is the weekly cap pretty low? I dislike the idea of a cap in general, but if it's high enough it won't be a big deal

There is a cap yup, but it is fairly high. We expect most people will not hit the cap weekly.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by Dark-Revenant

If that's the case why have a cap at all? Seems like artifical extended of material. Instead of letting players who play a lot & grind able to afford something in a timely manner putting caps so it takes even longer is tiring.

The cap doesn't extend the grind. If we didn't have a cap and left it unbounded you would be rewarded with very little additional gain for a ton more grinding, which we think isn't a great experience.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Lucordien

If it wasn't for the constant communication with the Dev team I probably would have canceled my preorder last weekend. I hope this message shines through to the Dev and management above because I feel like im not the only one.

Hearing you loud and clear my friend :)

about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by Bcmaken

Can randoms fill up all 5 buckets? If not, why not?

No, we group all randoms into one bucket. This is primarily a technical limitation. For friends, we are tracking all of your relationships to them, and their relationships, and their relationships, etc, using a node graph database. It's just not possible to track the relationship of everyone you have played with, and everyone they have played with, etc etc to find the top 5 people for the week. So we limited the scope to friends which is still feasible, while providing what we felt to be a good compromise to those players who don't have as many friends who play Anthem with them.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by thegreatgoatse

Is there a "players you recently grouped with" function? Because being able to add people after finishing a random group stronghold/etc would be quite valuable.

You can add people during your expedition to a Favorites list, which lets you invite them later if you had a good time playing with them.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by FrozenLaughs

@ u/BioChrisSchmidt

Is there any incentive on my side to being in someone else's Top 5 for the week? Anything to encourage myself to keep grinding for them? Any rewards or bonuses for me to shoot for with high weekly performances; or just my sense of pride and accomplishment that I'm carrying others, like I already do in everything else I play?

yes, I'm being sarcastic, but not completely!

Yes. You are progressing through personal tiers (which make the bucket bigger for your friends). As you pass through each tier throughout the week you are awarded some Coin immediately as opposed to the social Coin at the end of the week when we tally your friend's XP.

Whether or not you have friends in your top 5 list you still progress and earn your way through your personal Alliance track just by playing the game.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by buninina

Oh no, I don't have any friends :c Thanks for the info!

That's ok, you will still earn Coin for yourself just by playing the game ☺️.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by conir_

and your alliance tier resets after a set time or it just keeps growing?

thanks for all your hard work btw!

It resets each week, yup

about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


Sorry - let me try to clarify - two ways you are rewarded:

Personal - you earn points for yourself while at the same time making a bigger bucket for your friends to fill. You are rewarded with Coin for personally progressing right when you hit each level/tier.

Social - your friends and people you played with fill the bucket as they play. You are rewarded with Coin at the end of the week for this part, since I don't know who your top 5 are and where they ended up until the week is over.

And everything resets each week.

You can view both your progress through Alliance and your top 5 friend's progress via a screen in Fort Tarsis. Sort of a 'if the week ended right now this is the state of things' screen.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by jcore294

Thanks! Also, do we need to have an active EA account linked to Xbox in order to play the game?

My brother, for example, cannot play the open demo because his linked EA account is locked, and when he launches the demo he gets an error message "to protect your information your account is temporary locked" on the Anthem waiting screen.

Just wondering if he won't be able to play the real game either because of this. EA support couldn't help him.

You will need an active account linked, yes, but I would encourage you to try again with customer support! They are very helpful and should be able to get him going.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by clanky69

Is there a cap to that as well though? Like 10,000 coins at the most a week or something of the sort?

This is just one source of Coin, and no, there is no hard Coin cap for the week.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by PapaCharlie9

Confirming: once you are a member of an Alliance, you can't be a member of another Alliance?

No, you can be a member of as many Alliances as you have friends.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by On-Swift-Wings

There's an alliance cap per week, but is there a cap to how much one individual can contribute to that alliance pool per week?

Yes - 'fairly high' still applies.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by Mas7erBroda

what day is reset?

Monday night/Tuesday morning