almost 5 years ago - EA_Cade - Direct link
Hi @abracoursix,

Saves aren't "lost" like this, it sounds like you're logging in on the wrong account.

What system are you playing Anthem on? -EA Cade

almost 5 years ago - EA_Cade - Direct link
Hi @abracoursix,

Gotcha, the account you're posting with here has no games associated with it - is this the account you play on? -EA Cade

almost 5 years ago - EA_Cade - Direct link
Hi @Taartonderch,

Were you able to resolve this then by logging in on the correct account? -EA Cade

almost 5 years ago - EA_Cade - Direct link
Hi @Taartonderch,

You'll need to reach out to an advisor at at this point - You're either logging in on the wrong account or the wrong pilot on the account and I can't give out account details like those over Answers HQ. -EA Cade