about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Real-Salt

Doing the Lord's work, friend. I didn't have the cohones to do it myself.

We talked about this today. The work that Respawn did with this system is incredible and very intuitive. Certainly good inspiration.

I can’t speak to any immediate plans, but improving in-game communication to teammates (in whatever form that is) is something we want to do.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Biggy_DX

From the perspective of a console player, what do the left and right d-pad options do? I can't remember if they were used to access the other emotes, or served a different function. If they are used for emotes, maybe you could consolidate all emotes into the down d-pad button. Pressing on the d-pad uses the currently selected emote, while holding it down would bring up the emote wheel (until you hit down again) and let you change your emote. Assuming left and right were used for emoting (again, I'm not sure), that free's up those buttons for a ping-system.

Yes that’s actually something we’ve done since the demo, consolidate the emote button. I’m not sure if they were remapped. But this is certainly a good candidate.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Manic_Depressing

but improving in-game communication to teammates (in whatever form that is) is something we want to do.

If that's truly the case then a reply is desperately needed in this thread as soon as possible. And preferably not one referencing CVAA.

Thank you, u/BioCamden, for your time and attention.

Hey Manic I appreciate the tag and the heads up. For overall direction on in-game text chat and communications I’m going to have to leave that one to the Community Managers and Leads. That one has escalated well past my sphere of influence.

I’m pretty limited in my interactions with those systems. My domain is primarily on combat, creatures, gameplay balance, loot, gear, weapons, etc. Me stepping any further into that topic just leaves the potential for me to under/over commit, misrepresent, or spread misinformation. That’s the last thing I want to do. It’s an extremely sensitive and important topic so I’ll leave that one to the folks who actually have the power to execute on a plan for something like that. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help there.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by USMarty

When Apex Legends dropped did half your studio start playing it? I'm just curious.

Yeah lots of buzz and love for that game going on right now. Partly because it’s Respawn and fellow studio, because it’s an extremely solid game, and because a lot of us love BRs.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Padawanchichi

Daybreak Games (formerly Sony Online Entertainment) had one of the best, if not the best, communication system in Planetside 2.

If you're brainstorming about it, it's definitely a good source of inspiration.

Awesome thank you Padawan, appreciate the heads up.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by SavageAlien

Yes that’s actually something we’ve done since the demo, consolidate the emote button.

Hope this is true for PC, too. As a PC player, I found the emote selection key mappings really clunky.

I believe it was yeah