I was reading the excellent Transfer Orbit by @AndrewLiptak this morning and found out GRRM and @KalindaVazquezade are working on an adaptation of Roger Zelazny’s ROADMARKS for HBO. This is one of my favorite novels from that brilliant man. If you haven’t, go read it!
@maplethistles: So what exactly does a community manager do?
It turns out, that question is a lot harder to answer than you may think.…
@maplethistles @Chantefuzz This is one of the best write ups I’ve seen on what a CM does, great work! I found myself nodding in agreement as I read through it.
@pentapod Love it!
@notthatseanbean Ah you know how it is, this is a crazy business we’re in. But I have so many things to be thankful for, and I’m just trying to be present for that. Follow your gut, it’s steering you right.
@ai_baggs Hey that’s awesome. I’m just reading and having a coffee. Thanks for asking!
@hanoody_89 I’m really sorry, I know this wasn’t the outcome anyone wanted. Although I haven’t been involved with Anthem since we launched it, I want to say thank you so much for your passion and for loving the game
It’s a quiet Sunday morning here. How is everyone doing? Are you ok?
@GameOverGreggy: Isn’t it exciting that right now someone’s noodling an idea that’s going to become one of your favorite games?
Kind of a bop, tbh.
Congrats everyone, we did it. We made it to the post credits scene of 2020.
@KurtStadelman @Nadeshot So good. 😂
@hilaryheskett organs.
Hi all…tough day. It's disappointing for sure, especially for the Anthem team. But we are excited for such a talented group to join Dragon Age. Thank you, Anthem community, for all your passion and support. ❤️❤️
An update on Anthem from Christian Dailey: https://t.co/twmWXAXj3B
@bioware: An update on Anthem from Christian Dailey:
@HollanderCooper Not the momma.
@b00sterAu @rencro @BrenonHolmes @JayKingIngram
@BrenonHolmes @rencro @JayKingIngram Oh, not you too, Brenon.
@justbiglee Yesterday I dropped a full, glass jar of salsa on the floor in the kitchen.