@Braddock512 @Titanfallgame @Respawn Okay, now all I want is Jeff-In-The-Box as a Slack emote.
@AdamTanielian I just hope younger voters will still turn out to avoid the alternative.
@FreelancerCodex @Groggy_Style They are, yes.
@DYSPROssium @TheKnappen It’s just the one bullet. I have no problem with Reddit though.
Hey, Freelancers. We’ve released a small server-side update to Fort Tarsis. See details here:
@duanewebb nice work Duane!
@BlondeNerd Hahaha, I love it! This made my day. Also that face 🤣
@NealPabon @Just_Tank
@Chaos74xgaming1 Relatively small number of people that had the issue.
Download sizes
PC: 509.89 Mb PS4: 155.8 Mb Xbox One: 365.58 Mb
The team has released a small patch for #JediFallenOrder today, which is now live on all platforms. The patch fixes a rare issue some players were having completing a specific Trophy/Achievement.
@OfficialCnC: For Kane and Country! Command & Conquer: Remastered Collection is coming June 5th:
@ianrerickson @YouTubeTV Same bro. My wife is not happy. I’m definitely not trying to watch it with her either.
@R1c00 This is so cool.
@AntoDaBoss @AiiRxJONES @xstephanieclark @yoStax The squad. Happy for you Jones!
@BokaLaBoca Honestly, I'm just glad you reminded me that Terry Crews was in Training Day.
@UNTDrew @mythic_quest I thought this was a subtweet, but then realized I hadn’t hit send yet 😬
I loved Mythic Quest, but I didn't see Sue creating nearly enough Power Point decks tbh.
@Arekkz 👀
Happy Monday!
Part of me wishes I could just stay at home in a bean bag chair like Dante 😋