@godfree @Telemundo SUPER cool, Danny. Congrats!
@gamebowski f*ck yes.
@BokaLaBoca The song makes it sound like Dolly is more in love with Jolene anyway, tbh.
@BokaLaBoca Sometimes I forget that you are a Texan, and then you Tweet stuff like this.
Had a blast taking photos in #GhostOfTsushima. The game itself was also good. ;P
Absolutely sobering wreck at #BahrainGrandPrix today. So grateful that @RGrosjean walked away from that with minor injuries. Holy smokes what a scary one. #F1DriverOfTheDay
@JudasDubois Yojimbo is legit my favorite Kurosawa film.
Still digesting turkey and the latest episode of #TheMandalorian.
@AlainBaxter ....... above target?....
@JmanDD You’ve missed nothing, trust me.
Okay, NOW you can fire up the Christmas music.
@alex_frostwolf Some Texas beer, ya love to see it.
@JayKingIngram LOL
Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends and family. Stay safe!
@MiniJunkieJL You are a beast!
@Mark_Meer: ... Protheans?
Loved building dioramas as a kid...still do actually. I use my miniature collection more for that than playing the games. :) Anyway, love the world building aspect of game making and these prop sheets are cool. I am out the rest of the week. Happy TDAY all and BE SAFE OUT THERE!
Really enjoyed #MilesMoralesPS5. More stellar work from @InsomniacGames.
@Mike_Laidlaw Congrats Mike!
❤️ We all struggle. Be kind to yourself, find some joy, enjoy the moments. https://twitter.com/Kotaku/status/1329515800802127872
Dragon Age: Inquisition Saved My Life https://t.co/juj2APFkpY https://t.co/HIFyndKXZ7