@Ms5000Watts The face he is giving is definitely a mood 😂
@AntoDaBoss It’s like someone turned you, me and @GoodGameBro’s text thread into a video.
It’s cold and dark outside, threatening skies, isolation and gloom. But @chillipipers this morning makes the whole mess seem a little brighter.
This may be my new favorite thing!
Coffee is the mind helper Coffee is the little drink that brings clarity I will drink my coffee I’ll permit it to pass over me & I will not respond to this !#%^*! tweet/take/email until it is done & when I am through I’ll know That troll was not worth my time & only I will remain
Would put all the drinks in this so I don't have to leave my house as often #XSXFridgeSweeps
The one. The only. Xbox Series X Fridge giveaway. Follow and retweet with #XSXFridgeSweeps for a chance to win the Xbox Series X Fridge. Ends 11/04/20. Rules: https://t.co/4P5hCSBPcy https://t.co/MAt7xcTTQ4
@bioware: An update on Anthem’s Javelin Gameplay & Builds from Christian Dailey.
@ChristianDailey: Hi Friends - happy to share our new blog on Javelin Gameplay and Builds!
@damisa_sarki @ChristianDailey Appreciate you too, man.
Here it is, Freelancers!
Check out the latest #AnthemGame development blog from @ChristianDailey.
An update on Anthem’s Javelin Gameplay & Builds from Christian Dailey. https://t.co/ckg17jUBsd
Hi Friends - happy to share our new blog on Javelin Gameplay and Builds!
@godfree Keep it up man, the content you guys put out there is outstanding 💪
@ConalPierse This looks right up my alley.
Attention Pilots: We have some server maintenance for #StarWarsSquadrons ahead of our Mandalorian update. We will update you again once this has concluded.
I 💙 this band so much. #TurnTexasBlue
https://t.co/9U97aTdYls @BetoORourke’s Powered by People is organizing a series of Zoom phone banks where volunteers are calling millions of Texas voters. We need more folks to join Beto and guest co-hosts @SarahKSilverman @jackblack @SteveKerr @batemanjason. Let’s flip Texas! https://t.co/S0aQkugjPS
@StevenBrust @claireeddy Congratulations!!! Can’t wait to read it!
@tibermoon @TheKJA @MikeStackpole @claudiagray Timothy Zahn all the way.
@HollanderCooper It’s-a me, impending-a doom!