Impressive work, Tal!
Looking good. #AnthemGame
#ICYMI: The last #AnthemGame livestream gave you an in-depth look at personalizing your javelin.
Watch the full stream here:
Amazing work.
The weekend is coming.
#FridayFeeling #LivestreamFeeling #AnthemGame
Suit up. #AnthemGame
Associate Producer Leah Shinkewski and Character Director Francis Lacuna joined @BenIrvo to show you how to personalize your javelin.
NOW LIVE: The #AnthemGame livestream is happening now on and .
TODAY: Ben Irving will be streaming live at 1PM PT / 3PM CT. Watch on .
Listen to @GambleMike and @BenIrvo talk about flying and hovering in Anthem. #AnthemGame
The countdown to the next livestream has started on .
Watch Interceptor gameplay and learn the latest about Anthem’s most agile javelin.
TOMORROW: Join Ben Irving as he looks at The Forge and how you customize your javelin.
November 15th at 1PM PT / 3PM CT on . #ForgeAhead #AnthemGame
Too Terminator?
@BenIrvo - Did you know the pool table here converts to a ping-pong table? It’s amazing. Time for us to level-up in Austin? #backtothekitchenpartIII #edmontonkitchens
Worlds are colliding!
@J0_hansen: Mass effect was the first and only game that made me change how I look at our world and our universe. It's not just a game,…
Awesome recognition for our teams!
@BenIrvo @HK_Infinity Maybe with bonus guests of Friday tacos and donuts?!
@BenIrvo Are we ready?
Joined Mike & co in a moment of infamy. Pretty sure the quote from @BioMarkDarrah before this moment included "boy, we all suck..."