@pentapod (Other) Because I know you and you’re cool!
@HuskyHog Are you playing XIV on a baby monitor?
Do. Not. Miss. This. ⏰
Eyes up pilots. We've got a brand new CG short for #StarWarsSquadrons coming Monday, 8:00 AM Pacific Time: https://t.co/oFgL3S20VK https://t.co/HxPwGJc0jq
Great theories on the profile image change! Showing the Sentinels some love :) Heads down right now but I am checking in to read your thoughts and ideas. Thank you again for the passion. No blog ETA unfortunately. When it is off for review I update everyone. Be Safe. Look up. 🥮
@steinekin @Braddock512 @MonaAiyed @stein It's Friday and I'm too lazy to Photoshop, but [insert Stein positioned between Xbox Series X and S with various pricepoints.jpeg]
@ConalPierse right on!
@RyanTaljonick @MitchyD @HollanderCooper I hate it here.
@ConalPierse Yeehaw! Let me tell you about Texas summers sometime......
@ConalPierse Congrats, man! Are you moving to Dallas?
@JayKingIngram @tibermoon What about spinning? I hear that's a good trick.
A lot of you soon-to-be #StarWarsSquadrons pilots have been asking about HOTAS support on console. Here is the confirmation you've been looking for!
Good news, pilots! As you may know, Squadrons supports HOTAS (throttle and joystick) controls on PC. I'm happy to announce that we're adding HOTAS support to both PS4 and Xbox One as well, in a patch that will be available the moment the game goes live! :) #StarWarsSquadrons https://t.co/cVbojAUknL
@Xaponetta that's where i am now! exactly the same place
@Basman01NL Always.
@LorhinGames I think it’s $350 USD.
@JayWatamaniuk so drunk i didnt even spell it right. whatevs.
@JayWatamaniuk DRIZZLY!!!!!!!!
@aksfjh @JustinJTL exactly. and getting vehicles. and the social features are amazing.
@KLB725 i was there too. after the 10 hour mark something magic happened for me. i think it was once i got the vehicles
okay so i started out not liking death stranding at all and now its all i can play. im surprised by so much in this game.
This new LEGO set is going to be hard to pass up. 😅