7 months
ago -
Age of Empires
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Transcript (by Youtube)
2s | [XBOX SOUND] |
3s | Now there's nothing like enhancing a classic with modern graphics |
7s | and gameplay mechanics. |
8s | And if that classic can feature new expansions and a remastering |
12s | of the multiplayer experience, then in my eyes it's even better. |
15s | So here from World's Edge |
17s | to give us the latest on Age of Mythology-- |
19s | Retold, please welcome senior director of production |
22s | Earnest Yuen and senior game designer Kristen Parrillo. |
24s | Welcome and prostagma. |
26s | Prostagma. |
27s | Prostagma to you. |
28s | Thank you so much. |
29s | Now, Age of Mythology, there's loads going on here at gamescom. |
32s | In general, there's loads going on anyway. |
34s | But you also had a pretty epic Opening Night Live, |
36s | so I want to hear all about that. |
37s | I want to hear all about the booth. |
39s | I want to hear everything. |
40s | EARNEST YUEN: Great. |
40s | So first, thank you, Geoff Keighley, |
42s | for showing the awesome premiere trailer that we just showed you |
45s | at Opening Night Live last night. |
46s | And we showed the story of Athena |
49s | talking to the young hero. |
51s | In this case, one of them is, of course, |
53s | the key character, Arkantos. |
55s | And about this really, really epic story |
58s | that a lot of our fans remember really fondly. |
60s | So over multiple campaigns, over 50 missions. |
63s | It is epic, amazing. |
65s | And of course, the trailer also show off |
66s | the new graphics we have in the game, looking really pretty. |
69s | It is just really good to see. |
71s | So-- |
72s | KRISTEN PARRILLO: Yeah, and the trailer's |
73s | been fantastic because it really showcases |
75s | how diverse each civilization is within myth. |
78s | We have our Greeks. |
79s | We have Egyptians, Norse, and Atlantean. |
82s | They all have their own gods, their lore, the way |
84s | that they play. |
85s | There's just so much diversity within the gameplay. |
88s | It's been really exciting. |
89s | EARNEST YUEN: And talking about the booth-- yes, we are here. |
92s | So people can actually come-- |
94s | You're just over the back over there. |
95s | Yes. |
96s | Tucked away over that way. |
97s | Right there. |
97s | If anyone's planning on coming tomorrow, just over there. |
100s | And if you come, you can get these awesome lightning bolts |
102s | and also take pictures. |
103s | So that's really, really cool. |
105s | And by the way, this is not the only thing that we have here. |
108s | So on top of Age of Mythology-- |
110s | Retold, we also recently announced Age of Empires Mobile. |
114s | CHARLEYY: Woo hoo! |
115s | And then if you come by the booth, |
117s | you can get this awesome pop socket. |
119s | It's amazing. |
120s | So highly recommend. |
121s | CHARLEYY: I'm going to be first in the queue |
122s | to get one of those as soon as possible. |
124s | It's so cool. |
125s | And the game is actually-- we just announced that it's going |
127s | to be available globally on October 17th. |
132s | So it's a very different, very new experience |
135s | that we're expanding Age of Empires to the mobile audience. |
139s | So it's a game built with the awesome TiMi studio group, |
142s | and they have crafted something that's |
144s | amazing for the mobile gamers. |
145s | Oh, how exciting. |
146s | I can't wait to see it. |
147s | Amazing. |
148s | Right, so I know you have more news |
150s | to come as we're talking here today. |
151s | But the first thing I want to talk about |
153s | is that this is more of a-- |
155s | well, it's more than a remastering, |
156s | but it's different to a sequel, right? |
158s | So I'm going to-- what in the name of gods |
160s | does Retold actually mean? |
161s | Right. |
162s | So for a few years now, our fans know |
165s | we have been building these things called |
166s | definitive editions. |
168s | And what this only-- |
169s | there's one key goal that we have, |
171s | which is we want to build the title that's in your head, |
174s | right? |
174s | Because when you actually think about the games that you grew up |
178s | with and play-- like, you remember fondly-- |
180s | CHARLEYY: The nostalgia of it all. |
181s | EARNEST YUEN: Right? |
182s | CHARLEYY: Yeah. |
182s | EARNEST YUEN: But when you actually try |
184s | to play the original for real, and look at it and say, |
186s | that's not what I remember at all. |
189s | So we want to build the one that's actually in your head, |
191s | and how it looks like, how it feels like. |
193s | So that's the goal. |
194s | And yeah, really want to thank the fans |
197s | for supporting us for so long for all the different editions. |
201s | But for Retold, if you have been following Retold, |
203s | we are going beyond what we have done in definitive editions. |
207s | So on top of all the graphics and all the gameplay |
210s | from the original, we actually tweaked it |
212s | and added a bunch of new things to it as well, |
215s | and it is just amazing. |
216s | So-- |
216s | KRISTEN PARRILLO: Yeah. |
216s | I mean, from the design side from the |
218s | get go, we really asked ourselves |
220s | how can we maximize our mythology? |
222s | And so we've got reusable god powers, |
226s | which you can actually see. |
227s | We've got our approachability features, |
230s | like our VPS we brought in from other titles. |
233s | We've got a more favor based economy, |
236s | so you can build more monsters. |
237s | And our population cap is much higher now. |
240s | So not only can you build more monsters, |
241s | you can just build more of everything. |
243s | CHARLEYY: You had me at more monsters. |
244s | I'll stop you there. |
245s | It feels like a love letter. |
246s | Really, everything you've learned so far, |
248s | you're bringing back. |
249s | And I love the idea of taking out what you see in your head |
251s | and then making that version of the game. |
253s | I think it's absolutely wonderful. |
254s | So you mentioned a little bit about god powers, actually. |
257s | I heard we have our very own gods wandering around |
259s | at Gamescom, by the way, while we're on the subject. |
261s | Yes. |
262s | We have invited them to the booth, |
264s | so you also can actually see them. |
266s | We have Athena and Zeus here in our booth. |
269s | So come by, see them. |
271s | Or you can see them on screen like that. |
272s | KRISTEN PARRILLO: Zeus is loose. |
274s | CHARLEYY: Goodness me, where did you find that Zeus? |
276s | EARNEST YUEN: They are amazing. |
278s | That is so cool. |
280s | CHARLEYY: Nice. |
281s | Oh my goodness me. |
282s | EARNEST YUEN: Please come by. |
284s | It takes a lot of work for us to invite them to the booth. |
286s | So-- |
287s | CHARLEYY: A lot of convincing. |
288s | EARNEST YUEN: A lot of convincing. |
289s | CHARLEYY: Beautiful. |
289s | Awesome. |
290s | OK, back to the game now. |
291s | Sorry, tangent. |
291s | So seeing the gameplay that we just saw just then, |
293s | it's really clear that the team has been hard at work |
295s | on the visuals. |
296s | I think you've both mentioned it already. |
297s | So what can we expect? |
298s | What exactly does that mean? |
299s | EARNEST YUEN: So for graphics, we actually |
301s | have redone every single graphics that you actually |
305s | see in the game. |
306s | So every single 3D asset, every single animations effects, |
311s | all of them are completely rebuilt, so just for this game. |
315s | And it's amazing. |
316s | The team did really, really good work. |
318s | But we want to make sure that you also keep |
320s | the flavor of the original. |
321s | CHARLEYY: Of course, yes. |
321s | EARNEST YUEN: Because, again, we want |
322s | to build a game that people remember. |
323s | CHARLEYY: Yeah, yeah, yeah. |
324s | EARNEST YUEN: So it's really, really good. |
325s | KRISTEN PARRILLO: Yeah. |
326s | I mean, we-- it has been a labor of love, I will say that much. |
329s | Yeah, so we've got asset by asset, |
331s | and we've just made overall improvements. |
333s | We wanted everything to look and feel mythical. |
336s | And so we have our destruction effects. |
338s | We support ray tracing. |
339s | But like Earnest had said earlier, sometimes |
342s | when we've gone back and look at these assets in 2024, |
345s | we realized that we had an image in our head |
347s | that was very different than blurry pixels wrapped |
350s | around a sphere. |
351s | And so we had a lot of philosophical discussions |
353s | because the dev team were all major fans of the original. |
356s | So I mean, Arkantos was a big one where we were like, |
359s | would he have a dimple? |
361s | Or would his chin be more square? |
363s | Would he have-- |
363s | CHARLEYY: I want to be in those meetings, please. |
365s | They have been really fun. |
367s | It's part Rorschach test, looking at some of the assets. |
369s | And then it's, like, labor of love. |
371s | And it all comes together to make that game that we |
374s | remember loving and playing. |
375s | CHARLEYY: Amazing. |
376s | So if I've got everything right here, so Age of Mythology-- |
379s | Retold is complete visual overhaul, updated god powers, |
382s | and larger than life myth units. |
384s | Now it's more than enough to keep me interested, |
386s | but is there anything else that you have to share? |
388s | EARNEST YUEN: Yes. |
389s | We definitely want to say that-- remind |
391s | people one of the coolest thing that we have done for here |
395s | is we are releasing on PC and Xbox |
398s | with cross-play at the same time. |
400s | We have never done that with any Age games. |
403s | So it is the first time we are releasing on multiple platform |
405s | at the same time. |
406s | So really, really happy to be able to bring the game |
409s | to not only to the keyboard and mouse player, |
411s | but to controllers players as well. |
413s | Because the game people really remembered, beloved it. |
415s | We want everybody to be able to play together. |
417s | And you've had some fantastic versions |
419s | on the console recently, so those players |
421s | want to absolutely join you. |
422s | Now, you also have some other really exciting things |
424s | to tell us today. |
425s | I know I'm really gripped for this bit. |
427s | What can you tell us about the Freyr gods pack? |
429s | Oh, I am so excited to be able to talk about this. |
431s | CHARLEYY: Here we go. |
432s | So the Freyr god pack really is kind |
434s | of like a new DLC type for us. |
436s | And what we really wanted to do was offer players a new strategy |
439s | type for the Norse, which is a beloved civilization |
442s | from the legacy game that can sometimes |
444s | be very offensive in the way that it plays. |
446s | And so with our Freyr godpack, we |
448s | wanted to offer a defensive skew to it. |
450s | So with the Freyr godpack, players |
452s | will be getting four new god types |
455s | featuring Freyr, who is the god of fertility and kingship. |
457s | CHARLEYY: Four new gods. |
459s | KRISTEN PARRILLO: And then three minor gods, as well as |
461s | all the things that they come with, |
462s | like their myth units and their god powers. |
464s | CHARLEYY: Wow. |
464s | Oh my goodness me. |
465s | That's insane, by the way. |
466s | Four new gods. |
467s | Amazing. |
468s | Are you able to talk us through each one? |
470s | Can we do that? |
471s | CHARLEYY: Amazing. |
472s | Excellent. |
473s | KRISTEN PARRILLO: So we have Ullr, who is the god of archery. |
475s | And his myth unit is a draugr, which you may see in the film |
478s | here. |
479s | The draugr is an awesome myth unit. |
481s | He is an undead archer, and his arrows |
483s | can pierce multiple targets, whatever |
485s | is in his line of sight. |
486s | We have Aegir, who is the god of storms. |
489s | And his god power, he has a horrifying hailstorm |
492s | that will slow everybody down, and it's very frosty. |
495s | And he has one of the best myth units, which is a rock giant. |
498s | And if you upgrade him, he can eat buildings, and he will. |
501s | [LAUGHING] |
502s | CHARLEYY: god, I love this game. |
503s | KRISTEN PARRILLO: And our mythic age god |
505s | is Vidarr, who is the god of vengeance. |
507s | Very appropriate for the mythic age. |
509s | And so his god power, he calls upon Fenrir, |
511s | which is a mythological wolf. |
513s | And Fenrir is interesting. |
514s | He has a path of destruction. |
516s | He'll light forests on fire. |
517s | And the wolf comes up in a very scary, ghostly manner. |
520s | And then his myth unit is actually my personal favorite. |
523s | Another famous character from mythology, |
525s | Fafnir, who is a very greedy dragon. |
528s | Everywhere he goes, he leaves a trail of poison. |
530s | CHARLEYY: Love it. |
531s | KRISTEN PARRILLO: And if you slay Fafnir on the battlefield, |
533s | he actually melts into a pile of gold coins. |
536s | CHARLEYY: Oh, wow. |
536s | KRISTEN PARRILLO: So it's been very fun to make. |
538s | CHARLEYY: I really love how much |
539s | you fleshed out each of those. |
540s | Like, yeah, that one's going to eat buildings, isn't he? |
543s | Love it. |
543s | CHARLEYY: So good. |
544s | EARNEST YUEN: It's amazing. |
544s | CHARLEYY: Wonderful. |
545s | EARNEST YUEN: It's amazing. |
546s | Just want to do a quick reminder that Freyr |
548s | is going to be part of the premium edition of the game. |
551s | So if you want Freyr and all the major and minor gods, |
555s | so definitely get the premium edition. |
557s | And by the way, if you get the premium edition of the game, |
559s | you also will be able to access the game earlier. |
562s | So the game is coming out September 4th, |
565s | but if you have the premium edition, |
566s | you can start playing on August 28th, seven days early. |
569s | CHARLEYY: Sounds like a good deal to me. |
570s | I love it. |
571s | Awesome. |
571s | So as well as choosing your god and battling |
573s | across this frozen North, what other new content |
576s | can we expect from the Freyr gods pack? |
578s | So with the Freyr god pack, there's |
580s | also a new playable level called Reginleif's Rally. |
582s | And I won't spoil it. |
584s | It's very fun. |
585s | You'll get the chance to play all of the fun new myth units |
588s | and god powers and text I just mentioned. |
590s | And really, the best part of this level |
592s | is that it does feature one of our villains |
594s | from the legacy campaign, Gargarensis, |
596s | who is just a peach. |
597s | And it's a great experience. |
599s | [LAUGHING] |
600s | I'm stuck on peach there. |
602s | I can't wait to unpack this expansion. |
604s | But I need to ask you both. |
605s | Earnest, Kristen-- what dates? |
607s | I know we spoke them a little bit, |
608s | but let's go over it one more time |
609s | so everyone's got them written on the calendar at home. |
611s | Yep. |
612s | September 4th is when the game is coming out. |
614s | But I do want to be clear that the way that we like to build |
616s | our game, September 4th is really just the beginning. |
619s | CHARLEYY: Oh. |
619s | So we will continue to support the game. |
621s | We will continue to do updates, balance, listen |
623s | to consumer feedback. |
625s | And honestly, our peers are amazing. |
626s | They give us really good feedback, |
628s | and then we can continue to improve the game. |
630s | KRISTEN PARRILLO: Yeah. |
630s | And part of that is, yeah, we have two new pantheons coming |
633s | with playable civilizations. |
634s | And then we also have a new game mode, Arena of the gods, |
637s | which we're excited to talk about soon. |
638s | CHARLEYY: Ooh, how exciting. |
639s | Well, thank you both so much for joining me. |
640s | It's been an absolute pleasure. |
641s | I'm going to make sure I get the pop socket. |
643s | I'm going to make sure I get whatever these things |
645s | you're wearing. |
646s | I'm going to hunt you down. |
646s | I'm going to get them. |
647s | So thanks so much for stopping by. |
648s | There are loads more Age of Mythology stuff |
650s | going on for all types of gamers. |
652s | But first things first, as Earnest |
654s | said, if you haven't already, make |
656s | sure you preorder Age Of Mythology-- |
657s | Retold premium edition to get the Freyr godpack, |
660s | seven days early access, and so much more. |
663s | You can play early from August 28th, |
665s | and that is only one week from today. |
668s | And that, my friends, is a wrap on Day 1 |
671s | from the Xbox gamescom booth here in Germany. |
674s | [XBOX SOUND] |