almost 3 years
ago -
Age of Empires
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Transcript (by Youtube)
6s | Hello. |
7s | Welcome to The Age of Empires IV guide to Publishing a Mod. |
11s | Here, we're going to cover how to build and publish a mod that you've made, |
14s | so other people can download and play it. |
18s | Before a publishing a mod, |
20s | There's two things you should check. |
22s | Your mod's image, |
23s | and your mod's description. |
25s | To check the image, |
26s | Go to the Asset Explorer and you could find your image under "mod.png" |
31s | hovering over this will show you what it looks like |
33s | temporarily and you can drag it over into your render view to see what it looks like |
37s | zoomed in. |
38s | This is the image that's going to be associated with your mod |
41s | in the store, and when someone loads it into a lobby |
46s | to change this image, all you need to do is right click |
49s | on the Open Containing Folder and replace this image |
53s | with any other PNG image you like, |
56s | as long as it's labeled "mod.png" |
59s | and the aspect ratio is 16:9. |
63s | Each dimension must be a multiple of four, otherwise |
66s | it will fail to load or fail to build. |
69s | Your description is located under "mod.rdo". |
72s | Again, you can drag this into your render view See what is here. |
78s | Now you were able to set this |
79s | when you first create your mod, but if for some reason you left this blank |
83s | or you want to change your your description you can do so here. |
88s | Age of Empires IV will not let you publish a mod without a description, |
92s | so you must put something here. |
96s | Enter whatever you like and once you're done |
98s | you are ready to build your mod. |
102s | To build your mod. |
103s | Go up to "Build" and press "Build Mod". |
106s | Your mod will then go through the building process |
108s | which will save it and prepare it for publication. |
116s | When your mod is finished building. |
117s | Open up Age of Empires IV. |
119s | Then go to the MODS tab and select My Mods. |
124s | This will put the Mod Manager |
125s | which shows all the mods you currently made, subscribed to and published. |
130s | If a mod appears as Local, that means it only exists |
133s | in your computer and has not been published yet. |
137s | Go to the Mod Publisher tab to access a list of all the mods on |
140s | your computer and select the Mod do you'd like to publish. |
145s | Here you can see the image that you chose for it as well as the description. |
151s | If both of these look good, then you're ready to go. |
154s | Simply press PUBLISH MOD. |
156s | The publication process will then begin. |
166s | When the publication process finishes. |
168s | Your mod is now published. |
169s | Anyone can now search for it and download it from the store. |
173s | It's also worth noting from the same interface |
175s | you can select UPDATE MOD if you make changes to it, |
179s | and want to re-upload any changes you make to the store or REMOVE FROM STORE. |
183s | If you want to take the mod |
185s | off of the store, note that even if you remove it from the store, |
189s | anyone who has downloaded it will still have a local copy. |
195s | To check if you might have been published. |
196s | You can return to your MOD MANAGER. |
198s | Here, |
199s | you'll see a new version of your mod that is published and you are subscribed to. |
204s | Note that the original version or mod is also here as a local file. |
208s | Alternatively, you can simply go to the main store |
211s | and find your mod here. |
214s | All right. |
215s | Well, that's it. |
216s | Thanks for watching and happy modding. |