IDK, maybe these are the results of game-testing where designers concluded that it is correct decision. But to be honest I cannot understand why designers changed the nature of some weapons from TF|2 in Apex.
I liked the idea of FLATline that this gun has actually a FLAT recoil. I mean mostly horizontal-only. You know, it's kinda unusual and interesting by concept. Same was with Alternator, but this gun now is a bit closer to TF Origins.
Spitfire is useless potato. In TF it has pretty big but predictive recoil pattern and really huge damage. It was nice gun to cover friends/ defend position and for suppression. But you could counter it with SMG due to Spitfire's low fire rate. Pretty fair.
L-Star... I REALLY love and enjoy this gun since TF|2. And thank you Respawn Team for swapping it with Devo, and for deleting stupid reload.
But I cannot understand the last change of this gun. Whether it's new or old recoil pattern - this gun is still pretty bad for precise ADS long-range fire even if you master this gun. It literally didn't change anything, IMO. At the same time, now even with good accuracy - it overheats too quickly and one load usually isn't enough take down the enemy. It is primarily suppressive Close/Medium range LMG that is best to "choke" enemies with aggressive spray and very useful in hip-firing. Making R-pattern more predictable - doesn't change thing much, while now I struggle hard to takedown enemy until I am dead because of overheat.... The change in priorities doesn't feel fair enough.
P.S.- of course it's nothing more than speculation based on personal feelings. I don't have the results of game testing and how much worse it could be if devs didn't change balance. But yeah, I still have questions :D