We're working on it. Hopefully, we'll have ye back in the (boxing) Ring shortly!
We're working on it. Hopefully, we'll have ye back in the (boxing) Ring shortly!
This is a list of links to comments made by Respawn developers in this thread:
We're working on it. Hopefully, we'll have ye back in the (boxing) Ring shortly!
Annnnd we're back.
Should be fixed now! :D
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Should be fixed now! :D
I know this isn’t your job, but could you nudge the guys responsible for legend balancing and finally sort out Horizon and Seer... it’s been years and it’s made things really stale.
Hey u/BlackhawkRogueNinjaX, any specific you'd like to see going forward for Horizon/Seer?
The team is actively making changes over time, so having some specifics to share back with the team is always helpful. :)