almost 5 years ago - EA_Kent - Direct link

Do you have a lot of people on your friends list in Origin? Do you have anyone with a Russian name? We've had some issues like this come up that seem to be related to the friends list, so I just wanted to double-check. 




almost 5 years ago - EA_Kent - Direct link

Gotcha, thanks. When you've got a chance would you mind grabbing a DxDiag for me so I can take a look? For more info on how to gather up a DxDiag check out the EA Help website


Once you have the DxDiag file you can attach it here. 



almost 5 years ago - EA_Kent - Direct link
Much appreciated!

Looking through the DxDiag I noticed that you have several storage devices connected to your PC. Do you have Apex Legends installed on the same drive as the Origin client itself? If not, can you try moving it to that storage device to see if it helps at all? Sometimes issues like this can happen if the game and the Origin client are installed on different drives.

Let me now how that goes when you can.

almost 5 years ago - EA_Kent - Direct link

Nice! I'm glad to hear that helped you get the game running normally again. Thumbs up

Thanks for taking the time to let me know how you were able to get this fixed. 


