over 3 years
ago -
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Hey @waf86,
Changing the DNS settings on your PS4 might help with that as well. You can change the DNS using the steps below:
- Open the PS4 Settings and go to Network
- Select Set Up Internet Connection
- Choose Wi-Fi or LAN Cable depending on how your console is connected to the internet
- Select Custom
- Choose Automatic under IP Address Settings
- Choose Do Not Specify under DHCP Host Name
- Select Manual under DNS Settings
- Enter as the Primary DNS and as the Secondary DNS. This is the public Google DNS, but I've also heard that using the public Cloudflare DNS can help (Primary DNS:
- Choose Automatic under MTU Settings
- Select Do Not Use under Proxy Server
- Select Test Internet Connection to confirm the changes and make sure you can connect.
Let me know if you're still getting the same error message after that. Thanks!