over 1 year ago - EA_QueenBee - Direct link
Hey @geno-_-cide35755,

We're not able to help with bans here on the forums. If you'd like to raise a dispute, then you can always reach out to our terms of service team via the webform in the following article:


They'll be able to take a look into this for you.


Wees aardig voor elkaar | Be kind to each other
over 1 year ago - EA_QueenBee - Direct link

Hopefully they'll get back to you sooner than that, but regardless they're the only team that can look into to this for you. If I could be more helpful I would, but bans just aren't something we have the power to change here on the forums.


Wees aardig voor elkaar | Be kind to each other
over 1 year ago - EA_QueenBee - Direct link
Hey all, I'm gonna go ahead and lock this thread as the forums aren't a place to decide what is and isn't banworthy. There's nothing else constructive to be added here.


Wees aardig voor elkaar | Be kind to each other