over 1 year ago - EA_QueenBee - Direct link
Hey @OyabunSama21,

We're not able to help with bans here on the forums. If you'd like to raise a dispute, I recommend that you reach out to our terms of service team via the webform in the following link:


They'll be able to look into this for you.


Wees aardig voor elkaar | Be kind to each other
over 1 year ago - EA_QueenBee - Direct link

If they've looked into it and decided that the ban was correct, then I'm afraid that there's nothing else I can really recommend as they're the only team with the power to unban your account.


Wees aardig voor elkaar | Be kind to each other
over 1 year ago - EA_QueenBee - Direct link

I'm going to lock this thread before it descends into an argument, since there's nothing else constructive that we can add. Unfortunately @OyabunSama21 there's nothing more we can do on the forums to help, but you can always try reaching out to terms of service again if you feel like it's unjustified.


Wees aardig voor elkaar | Be kind to each other