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about 6 years ago - /u/RespawnSean - Direct link

Originally posted by TinyBabyBread

Yeah, the Triple Take's bullet travel is literally half of any other sniper. I knew it was fast but this surprised me

Energy rounds are always the fastest in their weapon class. Fun fact, the highest velocity rounds in the game are fired by the Devotion

Edit: We saw this post and are taking it seriously. It's definitely not intended behavior for projectiles from the same weapon to take a variable amount of time to hit the same target. I was adding some info about the general design of how energy rounds should be different, which was not really on topic, so it was confusing. My bad

about 6 years ago - /u/RespawnSean - Direct link

Originally posted by ThisIsFlight

Can you give us a reason why this deviation is in place? Sniping is already a second-class play-style in Apex simply based on the fact that players are forced into close engagements the longer the round goes and mobility is so high. Why go on to make it even further unreliable by adding travel time deviation on to already stupendously low bullet velocities from rifles that are meant to be used at long range?

Reason is... we thought it was cool and fun

We may want to change up the ranged combat meta in the future, but in the meantime I appreciate you giving thoughtful feedback.

EDIT: clarified this comment here. Variable outgoing projectile velocity for the same weapon would not be cool or fun.

about 6 years ago - /u/RespawnSean - Direct link

Originally posted by armoredporpoise

Can you comment about where shotgun rounds rank in travel speed? Are all the shotguns the same, and does the precision choke affect the speed of the shot?

Shotgun class has the lowest projectile speed in the game. Fastest -> slowest in that class: Peacekeeper/EVA, then Mastiff, then Moz

None of the attachments or hopups affect projectile flight speed (except Havoc selectfire changes to hitscan)

about 6 years ago - /u/RespawnSean - Direct link

Originally posted by Crazeddoctor

I’m guessing havoc is being left out? Damn the select fire is so bad even the devs are ignoring it /s

I’m kidding but the damage drop off happens too fast imo. It seems even at 100m it drops like a rock in damage

Havoc in autofire mode has the fastest projectile flight speed & least dropoff in the AR class. Single fire mode is hitscan so that's pretty much instant, but it has the charge time.

about 6 years ago - /u/RespawnSean - Direct link

Originally posted by akuakud

Umm care to expand on this response and your reasoning? You thought it was cool and fun to have different bullet velocities for different shots on the same gun thus adding inconsistency and randomness to a competitive game? How is it fun to miss a shot because of inconsistency and RNG? I dont understand this logic as thats literally the opposite of fun. Im sorry but this is a terrible mechanic and should be fixed ASAP, no one wants more RNG and inconsistency in a competitive game.

Variable outgoing projectile velo on the same weapon would NOT be cool or fun. That's not what I meant to say.

Here's what I meant. Different weapons have different projectile velocities so they feel different and players can learn each weapon's feel. DMR projectiles will always be slower than G7 projectiles, for example. But each of those DMR shots should be identical.

What I was saying, was that we thought it was cool and fun that energy ammo weapons would have faster projectile flight times than other weapons in their respective classes.

about 6 years ago - /u/RespawnSean - Direct link

Originally posted by Crazeddoctor

Yeah I was making a joke on how almost everyone seems to hate the singlefire.

lol, I gotta be crystal clear in these comments. thanks for your feedback on the damage falloff =)

about 6 years ago - /u/RespawnSean - Direct link

Originally posted by akuakud

Thanks for the response, but im pretty sure the person you originally responded to with that comment was asking why there is deviation in travel time from different shots of the SAME gun, NOT why there are different projectile velocities between guns. Having different velocities between different guns is certainly 'cool' and a mechanic used in many different shooters, nothing unreasonable there. But if the OPs findings are accurate then thats cause for concern.

I gotcha. it was my mistake, I wasn't being clear about responding to the actual OP concern.

we are looking into OP's findings for sure. The last thing we want is for our learnable, predictable gunplay to be compromised with unintended randomness.

about 6 years ago - /u/RespawnSean - Direct link

Originally posted by GolldenFalcon

Appreciate the honesty, but I struggle to see why inconsistency could ever be cool and fun.

I 100% agree with you. I wasn't being clear in responding to OP's actual issue. Please see this comment for more

about 6 years ago - /u/RespawnSean - Direct link

Originally posted by Kurouneko

Wouldnt the Havoc with the lazer be faster? Thought it was hitscan

hitscan is instant so I wasn't even including it, but you're right, that single fire mode on the Havoc is faster than any projectile.