almost 5 years ago - Apex Legends - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s My dearest Natalie,
2s as I write this letter, it's the middle of the night in late summer.
6s An hour ago, you cracked the equations necessary to power the force field.
11s You showed me up tonight, my magnificent daughter.
15s And I couldn't be happier or prouder of that.
19s I always knew you were special.
21s But never did I fathom that the little girl,
24s who taught her stuffed Nessie multiplication tables
28s would grow up to master quantum laser mechanics.
31s I have assured the syndicate that the modified containment force field
35s will be operational in a month's time and it's all thanks to you.
43s I may be just a doddering old fool,
46s trying to hold on to 'mon bébé' a little while longer,
50s before he loses her to adulthood.
52s But I do see you.
55s I see the strong, brilliant, wonderful young woman you've become.
59s And I know, when the day comes that I'm no longer with you,
63s you're going to be just fine.
67s The games will be brilliant, because you are brilliant.
72s My daughter can and will do anything she wants in this life.
76s Because she's the smartest woman in the frontier.
81s Je t'aime de tout mon cœur, pour toujours. Papa.
90s I did it, papa.
92s I hope wherever you are, you're cheering for me.