over 4 years ago - EA_Kent - Direct link

Hi @JonnySp33d


Let's take a look and see if we can help out with these crashes here. Since you've got multiple consoles on the same wifi connection we might be looking at an IP address conflict. I've seen that happen in some cases. Setting a static IP address on your consoles might help out with that. 


For more details on how to set a static IP check out the Microsoft Support website. Let me know if that helps at all. 




over 4 years ago - EA_Kent - Direct link

Hey again @JonnySp33d


Did you have a chance to try setting up a static IP for your Xbox? Are you still having any sort of crashes? 



about 4 years ago - EA_Kent - Direct link

@yaboiyeetyt wrote:

Hi, I have been experiencing the same issues but usually in long games.

it is happening very very often.

Are you also playing on Xbox One, or do you play on a different platform? Have you been seeing any error messages at all when it happens? 




about 4 years ago - EA_Kent - Direct link



Is it crashing consistently at a certain place in the game (for example: on a loading screen, during Legend select, at a specific place on the map) or is it just random? Does it happen if you sign into other Gamertags on the same console? 




about 4 years ago - EA_Kent - Direct link



Hmm, I see. Do you have a lot of people on your friends list? If so, can you try clearing out some of them to see if that makes a difference at all? It might sound weird, but we have seen cases where a large friends list seems to be a factor in crashes like this. Others have reported that removing some friends has helped prevent the crashes. 


