“All trackers in game and from any season can now be quipped to any legend,So you have as much creative freedom as you want.” The rise of even sweatier banners
External link →“All trackers in game and from any season can now be quipped to any legend,So you have as much creative freedom as you want.” The rise of even sweatier banners
External link →Any tracker you already own that has background art - that art can be equipped to any Legend's glad card. There's an "equip to all" option as well that puts it in the same position on every banner.
The stats from those same trackers can only be equipped to the *specific* Legend (as, to date, they are Legend-specific stats).
So if you had a tracker that was, say, Kills with Bangalore that had background art. You can equip Kills With Bangalore on Bangalore's glad card only. But that background art can be equipped to any Legend.
If you have a tracker that's just a stat, if it's a Legend-specific stat, it's only equippable to that Legend. If it's a generic stat - like the Bow-Out Challenge - it can, as always, be equipped to any Legend. But you can now have any background art behind it.
I pitched a variant of this on my very first day at work - almost four years ago (Dec. 1, 2020). Been harping on it ever since. And finally, for this season, I finally got to build it!
That's awesome, always been hoping for a change like this. In terms of customization, universal banner backgrounds something you guys are also looking into?
we already have *some* universal frames - the esports teams one. Not sure if we're planning to release more of them, but the tech there is done.
Universal *poses* (animations more generally) are a lot more complex in our engine, so I can say that isn't imminent. I certainly won't say we wouldn't do it in the future. But we'd need engineering work to make it happen.
The Apex/TF2 source-based engine is a masterpiece in game feel and movement physics IMO. Please stick with it! :)
working on a proprietary engine is the only way, IMO. It's the thing I love the most about working on Apex. It's also the most intimidating part. Because we control literally 100% of our tech stack, we can do anything. But it also means that anything new we want, we have to build ourselves.
how about fixing the ranked badge, a lot of the time they are still displayed as rookie for both enemy or teamate
pretty sure this is fixed in S22. I'm like 99% sure.
Do you think we could ever see our weapon skins in banner poses? Needed that red dragon scout skin on my bangalore banner since day 1 lol
I will ask about that. I know we could. When we introduced the first heirloom recolors, we had to build some infrastructure so that the heirloom poses reflected the correctly equipped heirloom. That same approach would be workable for the banner poses that have weapons - e.g., Bangalore & G7 ones, Mirage & Wingman, etc. - where we just apply whatever skin you have selected in customization. I like that. I will ask about it. It's not trivial - like, not just a switch I could flip - but i know how I would build it, so definitely following up on. Thank you.
hey i know you’ve probably answered this somewhere . but i dont have any full loba trackers ( Kills, Wins, Damage ) when the new season drops will it automatically unlock so i can use them with any backdrop or will i have to wait to unlock kill wins damage trackers on loba to be able to use and customise them .
you will need to unlock them.