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over 2 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

This is a consistent issue at the start of each season for some players but it's not one that we've ever been able to successfully reproduce internally. We've tried every theoretical combination around leaving matches, downed enemies, downed self, disconnects, etc. And they never get out of sync. But some players report this near the start of every season. There's no logical reason for this to happen - the lines that make the updates to these stats are basically right on top of each other. I wish I had a better answer. We know it happens. But it's still not at all clear why. And there's nothing I'd change about the way that we handle this flow from a logic perspective. I can definitely say it's not a case of us ignoring it. I'd love to fix this. But I just don't know what to actually "fix."

over 2 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by the8bit

Not to be another drive-by diagnoser of problems in other peoples software, but if the lines are basically on top of each other but not handled atomically via a single transaction, sure as hell sounds like something that could happen due to a host failure or disconnect causing the first to apply but not the second. That would be incredibly hard to reproduce in local testing too as partially committed transactions / race conditions are a bitch.

Without getting too deep into the weeds, it is a single transaction that does the actual update. But drive dy diagnosing is not a big deal. I wouldn't have posted if i wasn't okay with some back seat development.

I also suspect that it's related to timestamps. Spoofing time so that it behaves exactly the way a real clock does is just hard. I've never seen any sort of time simulation behave exactly the same way as real time, which is why I suspect we can't repro this.

over 2 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by dannyboy222244

From my experience, I've never seen it on an old legend. It's always the one that was launched with that Season

I've noticed that as well, though I'm not sure if it's just because it's most obvious on a new legend because the two numbers so obviously MUST be the same. Or it's actually related to them being new.

over 2 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by AlcatorSK

Considering you have not yet made it so that at the start of a season, Rank automatically goes down by 1.5 without having to go through one match...

Your database seems to be "Match-driven", as if updates could not happen outside a match.

It would then make sense that kills in the first match are counted towards the old season.

The seasons are hard-anchored to timestamps. So there's no way that you could play Seer in a S9 match. I'm fairly confident the kills are being lost and not attributed to the "wrong" season. The match happening is obviously what triggers the update, because you can't get kills in the lobby. But it's anchored to time.

I'm curious what you mean about rank though. Your rank resets as soon as you hit the new lobby. You should get the popup saying, "a new season has started. you rank has been reset to XYZ." No need to play a match to see that. Same reason that if you login to the game before you've downloaded the update you can't actually play a match, etc.

over 2 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by guntassingh26

Have you tried this: you knocked a player, your team dies, another team comes and kill that knocked player..so there is always a msg displayed as "eliminated" but we don't actually get kill (bcz my full team is dead) maybe that elimination we get after the team dies maybe it's that

Yup. I was actually pretty sure that was the cause. But nope. At least in our testing, that kill gets credited to no one.

over 2 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by pingulongu

I think he means when a new season starts if you queue for your first ranked game it shows your previous seasons rank above the legend instead of what it’s reset to.

Ah ok. That makes sense. It's just around timing. We draw the badge before we reset your rank. But under the hood, as far as the server is concerned, your rank is definitely the new rank as soon as you enter the lobby.

over 2 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by gatlginngum

don't the respawn flairs usually have the person's specific job in them? are you just the entire respawn? :D

I think it's controlled by Reddit. I don't think I can update it. But no, definitely not all of Respawn. My specific job is "Technical Game Designer"

over 2 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by aSoireeForSquids

Are you able to comment at all about the issue many players are experiencing with stats not updating at all currently? Mine are only tracking when I get wins and I have evidence of Kills having been removed from my total stats. I also had 6 wins disappear from my account when stats stopped tracking properly

Yes. I can confirm that we have identified the cause of that and have fixed it internally. I do not know when that fix will roll out, but I do not believe it will be in the pending hotfix (with the Seer nerf). But a fix IS coming. I also know that for SOME players, their stats seem to eventually correct like 24ish hrs post-match, though this seems to be the exception.

over 2 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by HandoAlegra

I don't think u/AlcatorSK is talking directly about this, but what about matches that overlap seasons?

You said that everything is driven by timestamps. Well it's entirely possible (and we see posts about it on Reddit) that a player can start a match in one season and have it end in the next season. Therefore any kills made in the overlapping time period of the match would be credited to the next season. Is that correct?

EDIT: Forgot we're talking about S10 exclusive, Seer. This wouldn't help with OP's case

Possibly. Except that we see this with new legends - like Seer - that are literally unable to be played in the previous season. If it was every legend EXCEPT the previous one, it would make sense. But that's not what is happening.

over 2 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by NastySquirrel87

I think I might know the cause, when Valkyrie came out my friend and I were messing around in the firing range, before joining any matches, and I already had thirty some kills at the beginning of the first match playing the character. So from my experience it’s from killing people in the firing range before joining any real matches

Firing range bug was a separate one. And it was unique to Valk. Basically, if you triggered Valk's ultimate, we assumed it counted as a "landing" - same as if you jumped out of a plane. And so once you jumped, it was like being in a match.

over 2 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by RobotHavGunz

This is a consistent issue at the start of each season for some players but it's not one that we've ever been able to successfully reproduce internally. We've tried every theoretical combination around leaving matches, downed enemies, downed self, disconnects, etc. And they never get out of sync. But some players report this near the start of every season. There's no logical reason for this to happen - the lines that make the updates to these stats are basically right on top of each other. I wish I had a better answer. We know it happens. But it's still not at all clear why. And there's nothing I'd change about the way that we handle this flow from a logic perspective. I can definitely say it's not a case of us ignoring it. I'd love to fix this. But I just don't know what to actually "fix."

So I'm gonna sign off, but I did want to say thanks to everyone who responded. It's a pretty amazing community here, but also one that's a bit intimidating. And also a bit like drinking from a firehose, so I apologize for people who asked questions that I didn't respond to. I read all the replies, and I'm sorry I couldn't answer all of them. There were also some pretty great suggestions about things that I had not thought to test that I will try before S11.

Prior to becoming a game dev I worked in a field where "effort" didn't matter much. It was purely about results. So I can appreciate that saying, "I tried to fix this but couldn't..." doesn't necessarily mean much. But when I see bugs like this one - or more major ones like someone missing a 20 Bomb or 4K badge - in areas of the game that I am one of the main devs for, it bothers me a lot. I play this game a lot (I'm still pretty bad though), and it bothers me as a player. I care deeply about the areas of the game that I do work on, and it bothers me as a developer.

I don't know much about legend design or maps, but stats are definitely my thing. I care deeply about that. When people complain about legends being OP, I think, "I hope we address that..." But when I see bugs with stats or badges or challenges or trackers, I think, "I need to fix that." Sometimes I can. Or sometimes I can work with some other folks and we can fix it together. Those are great days. Sometimes I can't or we can't. Those days stink.

I will see that I think working on games is a pretty awesome job. But working on a game that people care this much about is truly remarkable. And I take that seriously. I consider it a privilege to work on a game that matters this much to this many people. And I hope it might matter a bit to all of you to know that. Thanks again for being so kind. And have a great night. Maybe I'll see you in the Outlands.