about 3 years ago - EA_Kent - Direct link

Hi @jackkeoghtr


I'd like to try running through some troubleshooting to see if we can help stop this from happening. 


When you have the chance I'd recommend starting out with the basic and advanced connectivity steps from the EA Help website first to see how that goes. If you're still having the same issue after that please let me know. Thanks! 

about 3 years ago - EA_Kent - Direct link

Hi @KingZultan10


Are you also playing on PS4, or do you play on a different platform? 

about 3 years ago - EA_Kent - Direct link

Hey @cordova0715


Can you let me know which platform you're playing on? 

about 3 years ago - EA_Kent - Direct link

Thanks for the updates!


When you have the chance could we try setting a different DNS on your PS4 to test and see if that makes any difference? You can change the DNS using the steps below: 

  1. Open the PS4 Settings and go to Network 
  2. Select Set Up Internet Connection 
  3. Choose Wi-Fi or LAN Cable depending on how your console is connected to the internet 
  4. Select Custom 
  5. Choose Automatic under IP Address Settings 
  6. Choose Do Not Specify under DHCP Host Name 
  7. Select Manual under DNS Settings 
  8. Enter as the Primary DNS and as the Secondary DNS. This is the public Google DNS, but I’ve also seen some people mention that using the public Cloudflare DNS has helped (Primary DNS:  
  9. Select Next 
  10. Choose Automatic under MTU Settings 
  11. Select Do Not Use under Proxy Server 
  12. Select Test Internet Connection to confirm the changes and make sure you can connect. 

Let me know if you're still running into the same issues after that. Thanks! 
