Hey @KrMees,
If you have sent in a support ticket, you will definitely be receiving a reply. Our Terms of Service (TOS) team that reviews all account actions such as this one is a bit behind currently so it is taking longer than they'd normally like to respond, however I do see see your case is still in their queue and should receive a reply via email as soon as they finish the investigation.
While I can't speak to any particular details about their findings, one thing I would definitely suggest is making sure your account has been secured. In some cases these bans can be applied if someone else gains access to the account and there's been activity from them, so making doubly sure you're the only one able to get into the account can help out.
As to the specifics for your situation though, I'm afraid waiting for a reply from the TOS team will be the next step here. One should be forthcoming, though I don't have a specific ETA.
In this case while the same information applies, I do see you had recently resumed the case that was sent up to our TOS team. That can pull it out of their queue and delay their investigation, so please open a new case to have an advisor place that back in the appropriate queue for you.
If you're ever looking for a status update, just be sure to open a completely new, separate case rather than resuming a prior case to avoid further delays.
Thanks for the patience in the meantime here!